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  • Author or Editor: James R. Clark x
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`Jupiter' is the fifth table grape cultivar released from the Univ. of Arkansas grape breeding program. `Jupiter' originated from a cross of Ark. 1258 × Ark. 1672 made in 1981. The original seedling vine was selected in 1984, and `Jupiter' was tested as Ark. 1985. `Jupiter' was tested at two locations in Arkansas (Fayetteville and Clarksville) and at West Lafayette, Ind. Fruit of `Jupiter' are reddish-blue, and berry weight averaged 5.5 g over 12 years of evaluation at Clarksville. Fruit are seedless, have a non-slipskin texture, ripen early mid-season, and averaged 19.8% soluble solids. Flavor is a mild muscat, a noteworthy character of this new cultivar. Clusters averaged 257 g over 12 years and are well-filled. Yields of `Jupiter' have been very good, exceeding 29 t/ha at Clarksville. Hardiness of `Jupiter' was greater than `Einset Seedless', `Himrod', or `Vanessa Seedless', but less than `Mars' or `Reliance' at West Lafayette. `Jupiter' is recommended for trial where other other eastern U.S. table grape cultivars are adapted.

Free access

Seeds of 25 blackberry (Rubus spp.), five red raspberry (R. idaeus L.), and two black raspberry (R. occidentalis L.) populations that had been stored for 22 to 26 years were planted in the greenhouse to evaluate their germination. Germination ranged from 0% to 84% among all populations. Thorny and thorny × thornless blackberry populations had the highest average germination; most populations had >40% germination. Thornless blackberry populations ranged from 1% to 16% germination. The seeds of two of the five red raspberry populations did not germinate and none of the black raspberry seeds germinated.

Free access


Database management systems are used to organize, manage, and administer numeric and non-numeric data. The UWRIM database management system possesses a relational structure and offers several management options. Two examples of UWRIM’s utility to horticulturists are organizing 1) a personal reference system and 2) an arboretum’s plant records.

Open Access