Search Results
Six selections of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) cultivars, selected based on their drought tolerance under field and growth chamber conditions in New Brunswick, N.J., were evaluated for salt tolerance based on yield and growth rates at eight soil water salinities [2 (control), 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 22 dSm-1] from Apr. to Sept. 2005 in Riverside, Calif. Cultivars Baron and Brilliant were selected as drought sensitive and `Cabernet', `Eagleton', and `Midnight' were selected as drought tolerant. A Texas × Kentucky bluegrass (Poa arachnifera × Poa pratensis) hybrid selection (identified as A01-856) developed for improved drought and heat tolerance was also included. Vegetative clones were established in a randomized complete-block design with three replications, each containing 11 clones. Cumulative biomass and clone diameters were measured over time to evaluate relative yields and growth rates for the six cultivar selections. Based upon maximum absolute biomass production as a function of increasing EC, the order of production was `Baron' > `Brilliant' > `Eagleton' > `Cabernet' ≥ `Midnight' > A01-856. Yield relative to the non-saline control (2 dSm-1) for each cultivar was similar, except that the differences between cultivars were less pronounced, and `Baron' slightly outperformed `Brilliant'. Clone area expansion rates were analyzed with a phasic growth model and beta, the intrinsic growth rate of the exponential phase parameter, significantly varied with salinity. Ranking of cultivars, based on expansion rates, was similar to that based on cumulative biomass. Salinity tolerance in this experiment did not appear to be related to the observed ranking for drought tolerance.
Salinity tolerance of two cultivars of Celosiaargentea (`Chief Rose' and `Chief Gold') was investigated using a completely randomized design with three replications. Seedlings grown in greenhouse sand tanks were exposed to six salinity levels (2.5, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 dS·m–1) and two water ionic compositions mimicking sea water and drainage waters from the Imperial and Coachella valleys. Phenotypic measurements were made when plants were harvested during flowering, and concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, total-S, and total-P were also determined from leaf tissues. Overall, phenotypic measurements (including stem length, stem weight, stem diameter, inflorescence length, inflorescence weight, and number of leaves) tended to decrease as salinity increased, yet stem lengths were still above the minimum stem length recommended for marketability (41 cm). Significant interactions were found for salinity and water ionic composition for all mineral analyses for both cultivars. As salinity increased, Ca2+, K+, and total-P decreased as Mg2+, Na+, and Cl- increased for both cultivars. `Chief Gold' can be produced commercially in either water composition up to 12 dS·m–1. `Chief Rose' can be produced up to 8 dS·m–1 in sea water and 10 dS·m–1 in water ionic compositions similar to those of the Imperial and Coachella valleys. Saline waters dominated by chloride and sulphate salts can be used to produce Celosiaargentea commercially.
To explore the possibility that saline wastewaters may be used to grow high value floriculture crops, the effects of salinity were tested on Helianthus annuus (L.). Sunflower cultivars Sunbeam and Moonbright were grown in 30 greenhouse sand tanks and irrigated initially with nutrient solution. One week after planting, saline treatments were imposed with solutions differing in ion composition. Fifteen tanks were irrigated with waters typical of agricultural wastewaters present in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) and 15 tanks were irrigated with water compositions similar to saline tailwaters found in the Imperial and Coachella valleys (ICV). Five treatments of each salinity type were used with electrical conductivities (EC) of 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 dS·m–1. Length of the flowering stems was significantly reduced as salinity rose to 20 dS·m–1. Reduction was more pronounced when the plants were irrigated with the sodium-sulfate dominated waters of SJV composition. Flower diameter was reduced when the EC of SJV waters exceeded 15 dS·m–1, but was not affected by any treatment when ICV waters were used. Salt tolerance in sunflower appears to be associated with mechanism(s) that regulate transport of potentially injurious ions. Both Na+and Cl- were partitioned to the lowest portion of the stem, and effectively excluded from the remainder of the shoot. This study illustrates that saline waters with EC = 15 or 20 dS·m–1 may be used to produce ornamental sunflowers without significant loss of quality. Salt stress also provides an environmentally friendly alternative to the use of growth regulators for the control of plant height.
Saline wastewaters may provide a valuable water source for the irrigation of selected floriculture crops as demand for quality water increases. A completely randomized design with 3 replications was used to test the effects of salinity on productivity and mineral accumulation on each of two Limonium species grown in greenhouse sand tanks. Three-week-old seedlings (n = 15) of Limonium perezii `Blue Seas' and L. sinuatum `American Beauty' were exposed to 7 salinity treatments (2.5 (control), 7, 11, 15, 20, 25, and 30 dS·m-1) prepared to simulate saline drainage waters of the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) in California. After 10 weeks, vegetative material from five plants from each tank was harvested to assess mineral composition (total-S, total-P, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, and Cl-), for each variety. Ion selectivity coefficients were calculated by dividing the ratio of specific ions in the plant by those found in the medium. Stem length and weight, and flower stem numbers were determined at harvest. Salt tolerance thresholds based on stem length for L. perezii and L. sinuatum were 2.5 and 7.0 dS·m-1, respectively. Maximum growth of both species declined as salinity increased, but both species were able to complete their life cycles at 30 dS m-1. L. sinuatum had higher leaf concentrations of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Cl-, and total-P than L. perezii. K+ was preferentially accumulated with regard to Na+ by both species, but was significantly higher in L. sinuatum. Limonium perezii and L. sinuatum can be rated as sensitive and moderately salt tolerant plants, respectively.
Marigolds are one of the most popular annual ornamental plants; both, the short-stature cultivars (Tagetes patula L.) and the taller cultivars (T. erecta L.) are used as container plants in landscape and garden settings. Tagetes erecta varieties can also make excellent cut and dried flowers for the florists' market. The present study was conducted to evaluate the response of T. patula ‘French Vanilla’ and T. erecta ‘Flagstaff’ and ‘Yellow Climax’ to irrigation with saline water with and without pH control. Marigold plugs were transplanted into greenhouse sand tanks and established for 1 week under nonsaline conditions. Ten treatments were then applied with electrical conductivities of irrigation water (ECw) of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 dS·m−1 and pH levels of 6.4 and 7.8. Growth of all three cultivars decreased in response to irrigation with saline waters at pH 6.4. Compared with the nonsaline controls, ‘French Vanilla’ exhibited a 20% to 25% decrease in plant height, leaf dry weight (DW), and shoot DW when irrigated with 4 dS·m−1 water. However, the number of flowering shoots and the diameter and number of flowers were not significantly affected until the ECw exceeded 8 dS·m−1. Growth of ‘Flagstaff’ and ‘Yellow Climax’ also decreased as ECw increased. Shoot DW of the tall cultivars decreased by 30% and 24%, respectively, in response to the 4 dS·m−1 treatment, but additional salt stress had no further effect on DW production. Marigolds were highly sensitive to high pH. Plants irrigated with nonsaline water with pH at 7.8 exhibited a 50%, 89%, and 84% reduction in shoot DW in ‘French Vanilla’, ‘Flagstaff’, and ‘Yellow Climax’, respectively, compared with plants irrigated with water with pH 6.4. Marigold cultivars were rated as moderately tolerant to salinity because growth was affected when water ECw exceeded 8 dS·m−1. Salinity tended to reduce internode elongation, resulting in attractive plants. Compactness was not increased as a result of a decrease in DW, resulting in attractive plants, which show great promise as bedding or landscape plants in salt-affected sites provided that the pH of the soil solutions remains acidic. Under our experimental conditions in the sand tank system, the ECw was essentially equivalent to those of the sand soil solution; however, considering that the EC of the sand soil solution is ≈2.2 times the EC of the saturated soil extract (ECe), our salinity treatments may be estimated as 0.91, 1.82. 2.73, 3.64, and 4.55 dS·m−1. Thus, the threshold ECw at which marigold cultivars exhibited acceptable growth, 8 dS·m−1, would be equivalent to ECe of 3.64 dS·m−1.
Six cultivars or selections of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) exposed to salinity stress were evaluated with ground-based remote sensing plant reflectance (R) measurements at wavelengths ranging from 350 nm to 2500 nm. Cultivars Baron, Brilliant, Cabernet, Eagleton, Midnight, and the selection A01-856, a Texas × Kentucky bluegrass hybrid (Poa arachnifera × P. pratensis), were grown outdoors from vegetative clones in a gravelly-sand medium from Apr. to Sept. 2005, in Riverside, Calif., at soil water salinities ranging from 2 to 22 dSm-1. Two Normalized Difference Vegetation Indicies (NDVI) were developed based on: 1) canopy reflectance in the visible domain at 695 and 670 nm and 2) an average of eight wavelengths in mid-infrared [Ravg = (R:1500, R:1680, R:1740, R:1940, R:2050, R:2170, R:2290, and R:2470 nm/8)] and the reference wavelength (670 nm). Both NDVIs were significantly sensitive to salinity-induced changes in grass canopies and were able to discriminate significantly between the salt-tolerant cultivars (`Baron', `Brilliant', and `Eagleton') and salt-sensitive cultivars (`Cabernet', `Midnight', and A01-856). Another remotely sensed index, based on the derivative of the absorbance (1/R) in the red-edge region between 600 and 800 nm, also generated a similar ranking to the NDVIs and biomass for the six cultivars. These findings indicate that remote sensing of canopy reflectance may represent an additional tool to evaluate and explain the biophysical or physiological differences among Kentucky bluegrass cultivars related to salt tolerance.
Common stock flower production can be achieved under moderate levels of salinity and relatively low levels of nitrogen with no significant decrease in quality in a closed-recirculating irrigation system. A 4 × 4 factorial design with partial replication was used to assess the effects of salinity and nitrogen on the production of Matthiolaincana (L.). Seeds were sown in outdoor volumetric lysimeters at the George E. Brown, Jr., Salinity Laboratory in Riverside, Calif., with target electrical conductivity (EC) levels of 2, 5, 8, and 11 dS·m–1 combined with four nitrogen treatments of 35, 50, 75, and 100 ppm N. An empirical model was implemented to evaluate the growth response of each combination of salinity and nitrogen treatments over the course of plant development. The three-phase model is represented by an initial size parameter (alpha), an estimation of the intrinsic growth rate of the exponential phase (beta), a transitional phase between the first two phases (tl), the length of the linear phase (epsilon), and the final intrinsic saturation rate (gamma), The model successfully fitted the plant height data over time for all 16 nitrogen and salinity treatment combinations. Effects of salinity on epsilon and t2 (epsilon + t1) were nonsignificant. Nitrogen treatments had no significant effect on any of the model parameters and the effect of salinity was greatest when irrigation water EC was 11 dS·m–1. The length of the flower-bearing stems exceeded the standards recommended for commercial acceptability in all treatments (>41 cm). If 60 cm is the minimum length acceptable, then 50 ppm N or more where the EC was 8 dS·m–1 or less is required. Nitrogen uptake per unit evapotranspiration increased with salinity and nitrogen.
Ranunculus, grown as a field crop in southern and central coastal California, is highly valued in the cut flower and tuberous root markets. However, concerns regarding the sustainability of ranunculus cultivation have arisen when the plantations are irrigated with waters of marginal quality because the viability of the tuberous roots may be compromised. A study was initiated to evaluate the effect of saline irrigation waters, with and without pH control, on the growth of plants and tuberous roots of ranunculus. Treatments consisted of four irrigation water solutions with increasing concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, SO4 2−, and Cl− to meet an electrical conductivity (EC) of 2, 3, 4, and 6 dS·m−1 and pH 6.4. The 3, 4, and 6 dS·m−1 solutions were replicated with uncontrolled pH, which averaged 7.8 over the trial. Ranunculus ‘Yellow ASD’ and ‘Pink CTD’ seedlings were transplanted into greenhouse sand tanks and irrigated twice daily with treatment solutions. Shoot dry weight of plants irrigated with 2 dS·m−1 solutions was 7.20 g and 6.66 g in ‘Yellow ASD’ and ‘Pink CTD’, respectively; however, increasing EC from 2 to 3 dS·m−1 induced an 83% and 78% decrease, respectively. Tuberous root fresh weight of control plants, 7.45 g and 8.42 g for ‘Yellow ASD’ and ‘Pink CDT’, respectively, was decreased by 82% and 89% when EC was 6 dS·m−1. High pH of irrigation water caused an additional decrease in shoot dry weight and tuberous root weight. In control plants, 83% and 76% of tuberous roots of ‘Yellow ASD’ and ‘Pink CTD’, respectively, that were transplanted in the following season produced new shoots; however, tuberous roots sprouting percentage from plants irrigated with EC 4 dS·m−1 water decreased to 42.9% and 58.3% and to 11.1% and 45.0% with EC 6 dS·m−1. The hypersensitivity of ranunculus to salinity was associated with a significant decrease in Ca2+ and K+ tissue concentration. In ‘Yellow ASD’, Ca2+ decreased from 202 mmol·kg−1 in control plants to 130 mmol·kg−1 in plants irrigated with 3 dS·m−1 solutions and pH 6.4. In ‘Pink CTD’, the decrease was from 198 mmol·kg−1 to 166 mmol·kg−1. Potassium was similarly affected. Compared with control plants (405 mmol·kg−1), shoot Na+ concentration was increased by 101% in ‘Yellow ASD’ and by 125% in ‘Pink CTD’ when irrigated with 6 dS·m−1 water. Salt sensitivity of ranunculus, as determined by growth of the flowering stems and viability of the tuberous roots, was increased by irrigation with alkaline waters, which was associated with additional increases in Na+ and Cl– tissue concentration and decreased iron accumulation. Hypersensitivity to salinity makes ranunculus crop a poor candidate for water reuse systems; however, further research is warranted to elucidate the possibility of enhancing its tolerance to salinity by supplemental Ca2+ and K+ and acidification of irrigation water.
Six cultivars or selections of kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) were grown outdoors from vegetative clones in a gravelly sand medium from Apr. to Sept. 2005 in Riverside, CA, at soil water salinities ranging from 2 to 22 dS·m−1. Cultivars Baron, Brilliant, Cabernet, Eagleton, Midnight, and the selection A01-856, a ‘Texas’ × kentucky bluegrass hybrid (P.· arachnifera × P. pratensis), were evaluated for salt tolerance based on relative and absolute cumulative biomass production, growth rates, leaf chloride concentration, and hyperspectral ground-based remote sensing (RS) canopy reflectance measurements. Remotely sensed indices were linearly correlated with absolute biomass production. Three variations of a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVIred, NDVIprotein, and NDVIinfra) decreased with increasing salinity-induced changes in grass canopies. An index based on the red-edge inflection point increased (became less negative) with increasing salinity. A Floating Water Band Index decreased with decreased leaf moisture content related to increasing salinity but did not discriminate between cultivars. Shoot spreading rate and NDVIinfra were both related to shoot chloride concentration differences among the kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L) (KBG) cultivars or selections. In theory, non-destructive RS monitoring of above-ground turf development, including NDVIinfra, coupled with measurement of leaf chloride concentrations could be useful in turf salt tolerance breeding programs. Salt tolerance rankings among the KBG cultivars varied depending on the evaluation methods and selection criteria used. Based on absolute and relative biomass, growth rate, and RS, cultivars Baron, Brilliant, and Eagleton were rated as more salt-tolerant than ‘Cabernet’, ‘Midnight’, and AO1-856.
High salinity and boron often occur together in irrigation water in arid climates, but very little research has been done to study the interaction of the two. A greenhouse experiment was conducted at the US Salinity Laboratory in sand tanks to evaluate the interactions between B and saline drainage water on the performance of broccoli. Particular interest in this study was directed towards the composition of the salinizing solution to determine what role various salts have on the salinity-boron interaction. Results from this study indicate that both Cl-based salts and those characteristic of saline drainage water (i.e., a mixture of salts dominated by sodium sulfate) showed a significant salinity–boron interaction. At high salinity, increased B concentration was less detrimental, both visually and quantitatively (i.e., biomass), than it was at low salinity. That is, plants could tolerate a higher solution B-concentration at higher salinity. However, there was no significant difference between salt types. The effects on head weights were more exaggerated than those on shoot biomass. Shoot B concentration was influenced by salinity, but interestingly the direction of influence was dependent upon the B concentration in the solution. Regardless of the composition of the salinizing solution, increased salinity increased shoot B concentration when B concentrations in the solution were relatively low (i.e., 0.5 mg·L-1). At the highest solution B concentration (28 mg·L-1), increased salinity reduced shoot B concentration. Solution B in itself had very little influence on shoot ion accumulation, but both salinity (i.e., EC) and salinity composition had very strong influences on shoot tissue ion composition. Therefore, these data indicate that salinity and B are antagonistic.