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Chinese chestnut, Castanea mollissima Bl., is resistant to chestnut blight incited by Endothia parasitica Murr., a disease which eliminated almost all American chestnuts, C. dentata (Marsh) Borkh. Two or three nuts are usually present in each bur of Chinese chestnuts; the better ones are excellent in quality. Chinese chestnuts grow over a large part of the United States; however, they seem best adapted to the southeastern region.
Bighart, an improved Pimiento pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) variety (Fig. 1), was developed at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, and released to the Associated Pimiento Canners in February 1969. Bighart averaged 74% more yield than the commercial Truhart variety in 2 years’ trials at the North Alabama Horticulture Substation, Cullman, Alabama. Bighart fruits were 37% heavier, had 13% thicker walls and gave a 10% higher recovery of canned product than those of Truhart. In addition, the concentrated fruit set and fruit maturity of Bighart promises suitability for machine harvest.