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Evaluation of turfgrass salt tolerance is a basic strategy for selecting grasses that can be grown in areas with salt-affected water or soils. Our objectives were to determine the relative salinity tolerances of 32 grasses and to evaluate potential shoot-based criteria for assessing salinity tolerance. Shoot growth responses to salinity of 28 seashore paspalums (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz) and four bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) × C. transvalensis Burtt-Davy] cultivars were investigated under solution/sand culture in a greenhouse. Turfgrasses were grown in a sea-salt amended nutrient solution. Salinity ranges were 1.1 to 41.1 dS·m-1 based on electrical conductivity of the solution (ECw). Selection criteria to assess salt tolerance were absolute growth at 1.1 (ECw0), 24.8 (ECw24), 33.1 (ECw32), and 41.1 dS·m-1 (ECw40); threshold ECw; ECw for 25% and 50% growth reduction based on ECw0 growth; and leaf firing (LF) at ECw0 and ECw40 (LF0 and LF40, respectively). Significant variations among 32 entries were observed for all shoot responses except threshold ECw. Ranges of values for shoot parameters were: inherent growth at ECw0 = 0.10 to 0.98 g dry weight (10-fold difference); growth at 24.8 dS·m-1 = 0.11 to 0.64 g; growth at 33.1 dS·m-1 = 0.09 to 0.54 g; growth at 41.4 dS·m-1 = 0.06 to 0.35 g; threshold ECW = 3.9 to 12.3 dS·m-1; ECw25 % = 14 to 38 dS·m-1; ECw50% = 22 to 43 dS·m-1; and LF40 = 7% to 41%. Results in this study indicated substantial genetic-based variation in salt tolerance within seashore paspalums. When evaluation of salt tolerance based on shoot responses is attempted at wide salinity levels up to 40 dS·m-1, all seven criteria exhibiting a significant F test can be used. Five entries (SI 92, SI 93-1, SI 91, SI 93-2, SI 89) were ranked in the top statistical grouping for all seven-growth parameters, followed by SI 90 ranked in six out of seven, and three paspalums (SI 94-1, `Sea Isle 1', and `Taliaferro') were ranked in five out of seven categories.
Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz) is a warm season turfgrass that survives in sand dunes along coastal sites and around brackish ponds or estuaries. The first exposure to salt stress normally occurs in the rhizosphere for persistent turfgrass. Information on diversity in salinity tolerance of seashore paspalums is limited. From Apr. to Oct. 1997, eight seashore paspalum ecotypes (SI 94-1, SI 92, SI 94-2, `Sea Isle 1', `Excalibur', `Sea Isle 2000', `Salam', `Adalayd') and four bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × C. transvaalensis Butt-Davy) cultivars (`Tifgreen', `Tifway', `TifSport', `TifEagle') were investigated for levels of salinity tolerance based on root and verdure responses in nutrient/sand culture under greenhouse conditions. Different salt levels (1.1 to 41.1 dS·m-1) were created with sea salt. Measurements were taken for absolute growth at 1.1 (ECw0; electrical conductivity of water), 24.8 (ECw24), 33.1 (ECw 32), and 41.1 dS·m-1 (ECw40), threshold ECw, and ECw for 25% growth reduction from ECw0 growth (ECw25%). Varying levels of salinity tolerance among the 12 entries were observed based on root, verdure, and total plant yield. Ranges of root characteristics were inherent growth (ECw0) = 0.20 to 0.61 g dry weight (DW); growth at ECw24 = 0.11 to 0.47 g; growth at ECw32 = 0.13 to 0.50 g; growth at ECw40 = 0.13 to 0.50 g; threshold ECw = 3.1 to 9.9 dS·m-1; and ECw25% = 23 to 39 dS·m-1. For verdure, ranges were inherent growth at ECw0 = 0.40 to 1.07 g DW; growth at ECw40 = 0.31 to 0.84 g; and ratio of yields at ECw40 to ECw0 = 0.54 to 1.03. Ranges for total growth were inherent growth at ECw0 = 0.72 to 2.66 g DW; growth at ECw24 = 0.55 to 2.23 g; growth at ECw32 = 0.54 to 2.08 g; growth at ECw40 = 0.52 to 1.66 g; threshold ECw = 2.3 to 12.8 dS·m-1; and ECw25% = 16 to 38 dS·m-1. Significant salinity tolerance differences existed among seashore paspalums and bermudagrasses as demonstrated by root, verdure, and total growth measurements. When grasses were ranked across all criteria exhibiting a significant F test based on root, verdure, and total growth, the most tolerant ecotypes were SI 94-1 and SI 92. Salinity tolerance of bermudagrass cultivars was relatively lower than SI 94-1 and SI 92. For assessing salinity tolerance, minimum evaluation criteria must include absolute growth at ECw0 and ECw 40 dS·m-1 for halophytes, but using all significant parameters of root and total yield is recommended for comprehensive evaluation.