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  • Author or Editor: Gene Galletta x
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This review briefly summarizes the status of the Southern strawberry industries during the 20th century. Objectives, contributions, and personnel of the Southern state and federal improvement programs are presented. The future of the southern strawberry industries and their reduced number of breeding programs are predicted, with emphasis on the objectives which may have to be altered to accommodate new and continuing problems.

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The effect of silicon (Si) foliar applications on metabolic changes and powdery mildew infection in strawberry plants were determined. Silicon was used in the forms of potassium (K) and sodium (Na) salts. Foliar sprays containing 0, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 ppm of Si were applied. Strawberry plants showed no difference in response to the K or Na salts of Si during the seven weeks of experimental period. Plants treated with potassium and sodium silicate showed reduced severity of powdery mildew, increased chlorophyll content, and increased plant growth. Potassium and sodium silicate treatments also induced metabolic changes such as an increase in citric acid and malic acid levels, and a decrease in fructose, glucose, sucrose, and myoinositol content. The treated tissues also had higher ratios of (18:2 + 18:3)/18:1 in glycolipids and phospholipids and elevated amounts of membrane lipids in leaves and petioles. These results suggest that Si has beneficial effects on strawberry plants and may serve as an alternative to fungicides for controlling powdery mildew.

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The major objective of the NJUS Strawberry Breeding Program is the development of early ripening cultivars with excellent fruit flavor and size for production under conventional matted-row, and high density annual production systems. In the 1993 replicated Step 3 trials (1991; 1992 planted), sixteen selections had higher yield than `Earliglow' (8127, 11312 kg/Ha), ranging from 8433 kg/Ha to 13334 kg/Ha. Thirty-one had higher weighted average fruit weight (WAFW) over the season than `Earliglow' (8.8 g; 8.4 g), ranging from 9.0 g to 12.3 g.

Selection for phenotype best suited for annual stem includes: low runnering, strong vigor, earliness, and large fruit size. In 1993 harvested Step III, four selections had comparable or higher yield (range: 12,866 to 27,128 kg/Ha) than `Chandler' (12,950 kg/Ha), as well as larger primary and WAFW (range: 13.5 to 16.4 g). All selections were significantly earlier than `Chandler'. In summary, the NJUS Strawberry Breeding Program has selections for the matted-row and annual production systems which are early, with excellent fruit flavor, size, and firmness for fresh market production.

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Variation in vegetative and reproductive growth patterns leading to summer flowering and fruiting was evaluated in everbearing and in representative Junebearing strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch) clones under simulated summer conditions in the greenhouse and in growth chambers. Summer flowering intensity, periodicity, fruit set, and maturation were related to plant architectural parameters such as crown, leaf and runner production, number of meristems produced and differentiated, leaf areas and petiole length, plant volume, and dry weight allocation patterns. A continuum of growth habits and flowering behavior precluded rigid classification of summer flowering response, but useful arbitrary distinctions were made on the bases of: photoperiod reaction into short-day (Junebearing) vs. weak, intermediate, or strong day-neutrals; or summer fruit expectation into essentially none (Junebearing) vs. sporadic or consistent everbearers. Critical criteria for separating Junebearers from everbearers include degree of summer flowering and fruiting (fresh or dry weight basis), plant volume (and its components, petiole length, and average leaf area), and the dry weight allocation ratios—root : shoot and reproductive : vegetative. Everbearing (or day-neutral) types could be distinguished by plant volume and composition differences (size, number, and percentage of developed meristems, leaf area ratio, reproductive dry weight, etc.) and continuity of individual plant flowering. Three basic models of shoot growth and inflorescence positioning are proposed from evidence for alternative modes of flowering site generation in everbearing strawberries.

Open Access


The comparative self-compatibility, intra-, and interspecific crossability of representative clones of V. atrococcum (Gray) Heller, V. caesariense Mackenzie, V. darrowi Camp, and V. tenellum Aiton was determined. The number of germinated seeds and number of vigorous seedlings proved to be the best criteria for evaluation of crossability. The 4 species were largely self-incompatible. Generally, intraspecific and interspecific crossability levels were singificantly higher than those of the self-pollinations. Interspecific crossability was significantly lower than intraspecific crossability. Crossability levels within species and the range in crossability in individual combinations among species were extremely variable. Although F1 hybrids were produced in each of the 6 species hybridizations attempted, the rate of success was highly variable, and the direction in which the cross was made was usually critical. Specific combining ability was considerably more important than general combining ability in achieving species hybridizations. The hypothesis of complete homoploid interfertility in Vaccinium was not valid for these 4 species. The ranking of species crossability (number of vigorous seedlings per 100 pollinations) from highest to lowest was: V. atrococcum – V. caesariense, V. atrococcum – V. darrowi, V. darrowi – V. tenellum, V. caesariense – V. tenellum, V. caesariense – V. darrowi, and V. atrococcum – V. tenellum.

Open Access


Fourteen highbush blueberry cultivars and selections differed greatly in percentage blue and green fruit removed during a 3 second vibration of individual fruiting shoots with a hand-held vibrator. With cultivars ‘Croatan’, ‘Wolcott’, ‘Morrow’, ‘Murphy’, and ‘Collins’ more than 90% of the blue fruit and less than 15% green fruit were removed. These cultivars have desirable detachment characteristics and required a force of less than 85 g to remove individual blue fruit.

Open Access

Ellagic acid in tissue extracts of green and red-ripe strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) was detected and quantified by HPLC. Ellagic acid content of green fruit pulp ranged from 1.32 to 8.43 mg·g-1 of tissue dry weight (mean 3.36 mg·g-l) and in achenes of green fruit from 1.32 to 20.73 mg·g-1 (mean 7.24). Ellagic acid content of red fruit pulp at one location for 35 cultivars and selections ranged from 0.43 to 4.64 mg·g-1 of dry weight (mean 1.55) and from 0.43 to 3.47 mg·g-l (mean 1.45) for 15 clones at another location. Achenes from red-ripe fruit ranged from 1.37 to 21.65 mg·g-1 (mean 8.46) for 34 clones at one location and from 2.81 to 18.37 mg·g-1 (mean 8.93) for 15 clones at another location. Leaf ellagic acid content ranged from 8.08 to 32.30 mg·g-1 of dry weight (mean 14.71) for 13 clones examined. Large differences in ellagic acid content were found among cultivars, but tissue values were not consistent within cultivars. Values from one tissue type did not correlate consistently with values of the other tissues. Sufficient variation was found among cultivars to suggest that increased ellagic acid levels may be achieved in progeny from crosses with selected parental material.

Free access

Foliar application of a mixture of methionine and riboflavin was effective in reducing the severity of powdery mildew [Sphaerotheca macularia (Wallr. ex Fr.) Jacz. F. sp. Fragariae] infection in 72 strawberry progenies and over 110 clonal genotypes. This biocidal activity was enhanced by supplement of copper, iron, and surfactants [such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Triton X-100, or Tween-20]. Compounds free radical scavengers (n-propyl gallate, thiourea), or antioxidants (α-tocopherol, -carotene) reduced its biocidal activity. Plants treated with the MR formulation (26.6 μM riboflavin, 1 mM D,L-methionine, 1 mM copper sulfate pentahydrate and 1 mg·ml–1 SDS) or 29% SP formulation of MR (Technical Division of the American Cyanamid Corporation, Taiwan Subsidiary at Taipei) not only showed decreased powdery mildew infection but also showed increased chlorophyll content and leaf area and improved fruit quality. Results in this study suggest that treatment with mixture of methionine and riboflavin is beneficial to strawberry plants and may serve as an alternative to fungicides for controlling powdery mildew.

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