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Oregon State University Master Gardener volunteers are the backbone of home horticulture program delivery in Oregon. In 1997, more than 800 new Master Gardeners received between 48 and 66 hours of initial training at 17 sites throughout Oregon. A reduction in faculty available to train Master Gardeners and reduced travel budgets for existing faculty have made it difficult to effectively deliver training on a statewide basis. One solution to this problem is to train veteran Master Gardeners to assume some of the teaching duties for the initial training in their respective counties. In Sept. 1998, 45 veteran Master Gardeners attended a 2-day training seminar to learn to deliver two 3-hour training modules to Master Gardener trainees. Participants learned to use curriculum materials developed for training sessions on vegetable gardening and herbaceous ornamentals. Curriculum materials include annotated slide sets, handouts, suggested activities, entry/exit quizzes, and teaching evaluations for each module. Participants also received training on effective teaching strategies for the adult learner. Participants delivered the training in their respective counties during winter 1999 and returned an evaluation of the training experience. Benefits of this program included reduced training expense and teaching time for Extension faculty, increased volunteer commitment and participation in Master Gardener training, an advanced training opportunity for veteran Master Gardeners, availability of curriculum materials for future training, and improved retention of veteran Master Gardeners.