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The National Food Processors, NFPA, (formerly the National Canners Association, NCA), has long been very active in the subject of nutrient content of canned foods. Nutrient composition research has been carried out in the NFPA laboratories located in Washington, DC; Berkeley, California; and Seattle, Washington, and through cooperative programs with member food processing companies and government agencies.
Field-grown spinach (Spinacea oleraceae L.) sprayed with ethylenebisdi-thiocarbamate fungicides was washed to reduce the carbamate residue ethylenethiourea (ETU) in canned spinach. The spinach was washed with water, water + sodium hypochlorite, detergents, or detergents + sodium hypochlorite. After washing, the spinach was canned and evaluated for ETU residue and quality. ETU residue was 63 ppm in non-washed carbamate field-treated spinach, 6.9 ppm in water-washed samples, and only 0.1 ppm in washing treatments containing detergents. Washing treatments had little effect on the quality of the canned spinach; only titratable acidity was reduced significantly.