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Five cultivars of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. were forced under 4 different temperature regimes. In comparison to plants grown at a continuous 18°C night temperature, reducing night temperature from 18° to 14° from 29 Sept, until 29 Oct. 1982 resulted in significantly fewer bracts. There was no reduction in bract area for ‘Annette Hegg Lady’ and ‘Annette Hegg Brilliant’ and the temperature reduction did not reduce bract number for ‘Eckespoint C-l’, ‘Annette Hegg Topwhite’, or ‘Gutbier V-10 Amy’. ‘Gutbier V-10 Amy’, however, exhibited an increase in the number of bracts initiated when grown at a reduced temperature during this period. Reducing the temperature to 14° from 29 Oct. until 30 Nov. resulted in a decrease in bract number, total bract area, and average bract size for all cultivars. Reducing night temperature from 29 Sept, until 30 Nov. was not beneficial.
Cleome hasslerana Chod., a cross-pollinated species, has 5 corolla colors: violet, lilac, red, pink, and white. F1 and F2 progenies produced from crosses among the cultivars Helen Campbell Snow Crown, Cherry Queen, Pink Queen, and Violet Queen indicate that 3 loci with 2 alleles per locus control flower color. The allele W, for colored corolla, is dominant to w, for white corolla; R, for violet color, is dominant to r for red; and I, for dilute flower color, is dominant to i, determining intense flower color.