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- Author or Editor: David Sandrock x
Horticulture graduates entering the landscape industry will be faced with a multitude of complicated management decisions where they will need to integrate their understanding of plant science, site constraints, state and federal environmental regulations, and the human impact on the built landscape. To help students develop and refine their problem-solving skills, an interactive online case study was created. The case study was used in two different landscape horticulture courses at Iowa State University and Oregon State University. The case study centers on a residential backyard with eight landscape problem scenarios. Each scenario is identified on the clickable landscape map of the area and contains links to audio files, PDF documents, images, and Internet links. After investigating each scenario, students submit an analysis, diagnosis, and recommendation about the landscape problem via WebCT or Blackboard, depending on the institution. Student evaluation of the case study as a teaching tool was positive (3.5, where 1 = poor; 5 = excellent). Students answered additional questions using a scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. As a result of using this teaching tool, students felt that they were able to summarize the data (3.9), diagnose the landscape problem (3.9), and make a recommendation to the homeowner (3.6). Further, they felt this teaching tool was an effective way to deliver information (3.9); the interactive format aided their learning (3.7); that they were comfortable using a web-based format (4.2); and they liked learning using case studies (4.1). Our goal is to make the case-study framework available to other teaching colleagues who can then add their own data.
Salt tolerance of landscape plants is important to ornamental growers as well as residents and landscapers in coastal communities. Damage to ornamental plants from salt spray can be prevented by evaluating and selecting plants that exhibit tolerance to aerosol salts. Ornamental grasses are frequently recommended for low-maintenance landscape situations and may be candidates for coastal plantings once they are evaluated for their salt spray tolerance. The objective of this study was to determine the salt spray tolerance of Miscanthus sinensis `Gracillimus' and Pennisetum setaceum `Hamelin'. The experiment was conducted for 90 days from 7 July to 5 Oct. 2005 in a polyethylene greenhouse in Gainesville, Fla. Plants were subjected to four treatments (100% seawater, 50% seawater, 25% seawater, or 100% deionized water) applied by spraying each plant to runoff three times per week. Plant heights, flower number, and aesthetic ratings were recorded biweekly for the duration of the experiment. Root and shoot dry weights were determined at the initiation and completion of the study. Significant growth rate differences were found between treatments. Growth rates of plants treated with 100% seawater were significantly lower than the control and other seawater concentrations. Root and shoot dry weights of the plants treated with 100% seawater were significantly lower than the other treatments. In addition, significant differences were found between the 100% seawater treatment, the 25% seawater treatment, and the control in the aesthetic ratings of plants at the end of the study.
Horticulture graduates entering the landscape (design, installation, and maintenance) segment of the green industry will be faced with a myriad of complicated decision scenarios. Graduates must be able to integrate their understanding of plant science, environmental and physical site constraints, and the human impact on built and natural landscapes to make complex decisions. The objectives of this project were to develop an online case study for use in landscape management and landscape construction courses, and to determine students' perceptions of using this virtual case study to practice active problem solving in landscape horticulture. After completing a scenario from the online case study, students were asked to complete a 20-question survey instrument consisting of open- and close-ended questions evaluating the case study. Sixty-nine surveys were returned and useable, for a response rate of 76.6%. Overall student attitudes and perceptions of the online case study were positive. Participants felt comfortable using the web-based format (4.3 of 5), and felt it was an effective way to deliver information (4.1). Furthermore, participants rated their ability to summarize the scenario data as 4.2 and also felt confident in their ability (4.1) to make a landscape management recommendation to the homeowner.
Extensive green roofs are a challenging environment for most plants, and this has typically limited the available plant palette. However, some functional goals for green roofs such as wildlife habitat require a broader spectrum of plant species from which to choose. In addition, pronounced seasonality in rainfall is a common climatic trait throughout much of the world; yet, few studies have evaluated green roof plant selections or the need for supplemental irrigation in a seasonally dry climate. In a field trial conducted in the Pacific northwestern United States, we evaluated the performance of eight taxa during establishment and under three different water management regimes post establishment: 1) non-irrigated; 2) irrigation based on green roof–specific water conservation guidelines for Portland, OR; or 3) the minimum irrigation required to maintain good plant condition. Plants were regionally available and represented a range of growth forms (succulents, shrubs, grasses, bulbs, and rhizomes) and potential functional attributes (habitat quality, aesthetic quality, and stormwater management proficiency). All eight species had generally high survival over the establishment year, although hardy iceplant (Delosperma cooperi) and common woolly sunflower (Eriophyllum lanatum var. lanatum) experienced some overwinter mortality. Species differed in the timing and absolute amount of growth during establishment. However, when the strong effect of initial size on growth was taken into account using analysis of covariance, there were no remaining differences between species in the relative magnitude of growth during establishment. During the summer following establishment, irrigation regime had significant effects on survival and growth, but these varied across taxa. Irrigation had no effect on survival or growth of the succulents hardy iceplant and ‘Cape Blanco’ broadleaf stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium) and the bulb small camas (Camassia quamash). For the other taxa, plant survival and growth generally decreased with decreasing irrigation and many species did not survive at all without irrigation. Several species, particularly the grass roemer's fescue (Festuca idahoensis var. roemeri) and the shrub ‘Lasithi’ cretan rockrose (Cistus creticus ssp. creticus) suffered aesthetically under low irrigation, partly reflecting adaptive responses to drought stress. Weed pressure was high on bare substrate and was enhanced by irrigation, but weed pressure was negligible following canopy closure across all water regimes. These results suggest that succulents, bulbs, and rhizotomous forbs have potential for use on extensive green roofs in seasonally dry climates even without supplemental irrigation. Designing extensive roofs composed of more diverse growth forms will likely require some amount of supplemental irrigation. This study highlights the need to design context-specific green roofs that match appropriate plant selections with explicit functional goals and management plans. This will improve function and reduce the overall costs associated with maintenance.
Nitrogen accumulation patterns were established for Weigela florida (Bunge.) A. DC. `Red Prince' (fast growth rate) and Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb. `Compactus' (slow growth rate). From these, daily and biweekly N delivery schedules were designed to match N supply with N accumulation patterns of each taxon. Delivery schedules were sliding scales in that total N applied was controlled by independent increases (or decreases) of N concentration and solution volume. Daily and biweekly N delivery schedules were tested against a constant N rate (200 mg·L-1) and Osmocote 18N-2.6P-9.9K (The Scotts Co., Marysville, Ohio). Plants were grown in 3.8-L containers in 7 douglas fir bark: 2 sphagnum peatmoss: 1 silica sand (0.65 mm; by volume) outdoors in full sun on a gravel pad for 142 d. Within each taxon, Weigela and Euonymus grown with sliding-scale N fertilization schedules had similar total dry weights, leaf areas, and total plant N contents to plants grown with a constant N rate (200 mg·L-1) or Osmocote 18N-2.6P-9.9K. Sliding-scale liquid fertilization based on plant N requirements introduced less total N to the production cycle and resulted in higher N uptake efficiency than fertilization with a constant N rate of 200 mg·L-1. In general, liquid N fertilizer treatments resulted in plants with higher shoot to root ratios than plants treated with Osmocote 18N-2.6P-9.9K. Weigela and Euonymus treated with biweekly schedules were similar to plants treated with daily schedules (same total amount of N delivered with each treatment).
Accurate methods for determining the fate and recovery of nitrogen (N) fertilizer applied to container-grown nursery crops are essential to comply with regulations and develop innovative fertilizer programs. The objectives of this study were (i) to use 15N techniques to determine the fate of fertilizer N, (ii) to compare nonisotopic and isotopic methods of determining N recovery, and (iii) to determine the relative importance of fertilizer and non-fertilizer N at rates of 25, 50, 100, 200, and 300 mg·L-1 in container-grown Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb., Cornus sericea L., and Weigela florida (Bunge) A. DC. In all species, root and shoot N increased with N rate, and at each rate more N was stored in the roots than in the shoots. Estimation of N recovery determined by the total N method (Kjeldahl N/applied N) was significantly higher for all species and at each N rate than estimation of N recovery determined by the labeled fertilizer N method (labeled N/total applied N). Increasing fertilizer rates up to 100 mg·L-1 resulted in increased uptake of N derived from other sources (NDFO). NDFO at low N concentrations was a significant portion of the total N in the plant. As a result, the difference in estimation of percent N recovery between each method was larger at lower N concentrations for all species. The nonisotopic total N method produces higher fertilizer N uptake estimates, as much as three to four times the isotopic based estimates, in container-grown plants at N concentrations of 25 mg·L-1. Actual fertilizer N loss increases dramatically from 25 to 300 mg·L-1 (due to dramatic increases in N applied), despite small gains in fertilizer N recovery efficiency.
Fifty-four taxa of Atlantic white cedar [Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P.] were assembled and maintained. A protocol for propagation of Atlantic white cedar was established. Plants were grown in containers and in a replicated field plot. Height and width data were recorded from container- and field-grown plants and all taxa were evaluated for growth habit, growth rate, and summer and winter color. Color descriptions of foliage are provided based on the Royal Horticultural Society colour chart. Exceptional taxa were identified based on needle color, texture, growth habit, and growth rate. Superior green forms include Dirr Seedlings 1 and 2, `Emily', `Rachel', and `Okefenokee'. The superior variegated form is `Webb Gold'. Superior blue forms include `Blue Sport', `Glauca Pendula', and `Twombly Blue', and superior slow-growing forms include `Andelyensis', `Meth Dwarf', `Red Star', and `Heatherbun'. These taxa are recommended to growers, landscapers, and gardeners for production and use.
Water use is the most important environmental issue facing the horticulture industry. As a result, many water management districts are recommending native plants for their putative low-water requirements. Numerous textbooks and trade journals claim native plants use less water than non-natives; however, previous research found no difference in water use efficiency in the field between native and non-native species. Furthermore, recommendations of ornamental grasses for use as low-maintenance and low-water-requiring landscape plants have recently escalated. This study evaluated non-native Miscanthus sinensis `Adagio' and the native Eragrostis spectabilis for irrigation requirements and drought response in a landscape setting. To simulate maximum stress, both species were planted into field plots in an open-sided, clear polyethylene covered shelter. Each species was irrigated on alternating days at 0, 0.25, 0.5, or 0.75 L for a 90-day period. Growth index and height were recorded at biweekly intervals, and final shoot and root dry masses were taken at completion of the study. Significant treatment and species effects were found for height, growth index, shoot dry weight, and biomass. Plants receiving 0.75 L of irrigation had the greatest growth, and non-irrigated plants grew significantly less. Comparisons between species found growth was greatest among Eragrostis spectabilis plants for all parameters.
Cornus sericea L., Weigela florida (Bunge) A. DC., and Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb were grown outside in 3.8-L plastic containers for 345 days (1 Apr. 2001 to 11 Mar. 2002). Nitrogen (N) was applied at rates (NAR) of 25, 50, 100, 200, and 300 mg·L–1 and delivered as aqueous double-labeled 15N depleted NH4NO3 (min 99.95% atom 14N). In all species, root, shoot, and total plant dry weight increased with increasing NARs while root to shoot ratios decreased. Similarly, root, shoot, and total plant N increased with NAR for each species, and at each NAR more N was stored in the roots than in the shoots. Estimation of fertilizer N uptake determined by the total N method was higher for all species and at each NAR than estimation of N uptake determined by the fertilizer 15N tracer method. Fertilizer N uptake efficiency determined by the total N method was highest at 25 mg·L–1 and decreased as NARs increased. In contrast fertilizer N uptake efficiency determined by the fertilizer 15N tracer method was lowest at 25 mg·L–1 and increased or remained relatively constant as NARs increased. Differences in N uptake and N uptake efficiency can be attributed to overestimation by the total N method due to the inclusion of nonfertilizer N and underestimation by the fertilizer 15N tracer method due to pool substitution. Corrected N uptake efficiency values can be calculated by adjusting the original data (total N or 15N uptake) by the distance between the origin and the y intercept of the regression line representing the data.
Five taxa of Atlantic white cedar [Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P.], `Blue Sport', `Okefenokee', Raulston Form, `Emily', and `Rachel', and one cultivar of Leyland cypress [×Cupressocyparis leylandii (Jacks. and Dallim.) Dallim.], `Haggerston Grey', were screened for resistance to Botryosphaeria and Seiridium cankers. Treatments consisted of Seiridium unicorne (Cke. And Ell.) Sutton, Botryodiplodia Sacc. sp., Fusicoccum Corda. sp. and the non-inoculated control. After 8 weeks, plants were measured for change in caliper at the wound site, change in plant height, and length and width of surface and interior cankers. Seiridium and Botryosphaeria canker development on Atlantic white cedar taxa was not significantly different than that on Leyland cypress. Seiridium unicorne was more pathogenic than Botryodiplodia sp. and Fusicoccum sp. on Atlantic white cedar and Leyland cypress with infection percentages of 100%, 84%, and 80%, respectively. Well-defined, sunken, resinous cankers developed on Leyland cypress plants infected with Seiridium unicorne, whereas Atlantic white cedar showed no visible surface canker.