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  • Author or Editor: Charlotte Herman x
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The objective of our study was to establish first year strawberry plantings without using herbicides. `Honeyoye' transplants were set into plots measuring 6.1m × 7.32m on 21 May, 1993. Four treatments were established: winter wheat, a dwarf Brassica sp., napropamide (2.24kg/h), and no weed management. After the strawberry plants, cover crops (and some weeds) were fairly well established, (18 June) 6 week-old African “weeder” geese were put into half of each plot to graze. Weekly data was taken on the percentage of soil area covered with plant material, height and stage of development of plants, and weeds present. A weed transect was done in 6 July. Plant material was collected from each plot on 26 July and 16 Sept. in a 0.2m2 area, and dried. The most promising cover crop treatment was the dwarf Brassica for early season weed control. However, the herbicide treatment with no geese produced the best strawberry plant growth.

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