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Ten day old potted rooted cutting of sweetpotato genotypes `Travis' and MS 21-1 were exposed for seven days to cold (12°C) or 21°C (control) temperatures. Chemical changes that may accompany tolerance or susceptibility to chilling were monitored. No consistent differences in total fatty acid composition were found between the two genotypes. There was an increase in peroxidase (POD) activity of the crude enzyme extract for MS 21-1, the chilling tolerant genotype, when exposed to 12°C for seven days. No differnces were found in POD activity for `Travis', the chilling sensitive genotype. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CA) activity for crude enzyme extracts did not differ between genotypes and was not influenced by storage temperature.
Sixteen sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes were chilled for 36 hours at 5C with 85% RH and a 12 hour photoperiod. Transpiration, leaf diffusive resistance and visual scores for plant quality were taken before chilling and 2 days after the chilling treatment. Differences between the before and after readings were used to indicate the extent of chilling injury or tolerance. Visual score gave a better separation of the genotype for tolerance, however, the difference in transpiration was the most critical of the two objective measurements.