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Previous research has shown that the photoperiod under which stock plants are grown has a significant effect on cutting production and rooting of several species of herbaceous perennials. Long-day (LD) treatment of stock plants promoted cutting production of certain LD perennials but reduced rooting. Cuttings from plants grown under short days rooted readily but few were produced. Stock plants were exposed to alternating photoperiods to determine if this treatment would yield many cuttings with high rooting potential. Coreopsis verticillata `Moonbeam' and Phlox paniculata `Eva Cullum' stock plants were given 4 weeks of 4-h night interruption (NI), while Sedum `Autumn Joy' stock plants were grown under 14-h days. After 4 weeks plants were given 0, 2, or 4 weeks of 10-h days. Cuttings were harvested and propagated under mist and three different photoperiods (10-h, 14-h, NI) for 4 weeks, after which rooting percentage and the number and length of roots produced by each cutting were measured. The results will be presented.
A 4-hr night interruption (NI) is an effective way to promote flowering in many long-day herbaceous perennials. Some perennials are grown outdoors in the early spring and often are exposed to low night temperatures. Long days delivered by NI lighting ineffectively promote flowering under low-temperature conditions in some long-day species. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effectiveness of NI long-day lighting treatments delivered at different night temperatures in promoting flowering of several herbaceous perennials. Ten herbaceous perennial species were grown under natural short days augmented with a 4-hr NI. Night temperatures were 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25°C with day temperature of 25°C for all treatments. Plants were transferred to 9-hr days at a constant 20°C after 7 weeks of treatment. Results on flowering percentage, date of visible bud and flowering, node count, flower bud count, and plant height at flowering will be presented.
Five vegetatively propagated perennial species that received 0 or 15 weeks of cold treatment were placed under seven photoperiods (10-, 12-, 13-, 14-, 16-, 24-, and 4-hour night interruption). Cuttings were harvested every 3 weeks, and their number and total fresh weight were recorded. Cutting bases were dipped in a 1200 ppm IBA solution for 5 seconds, stuck in perlite, and placed under mist for 3 weeks. Results varied by species. Stock plants of Achillea `Moonshine' produced the most cuttings under a 12-hour photoperiod. Noncold treated Coreopsis verticillata `Moonbeam' only produced cuttings under photoperiods longer than or equal to 14 hours. Cold treated `Moonbeam' produced cuttings under all photoperiods in the first flush. Eighty percent of cuttings from the first flush of Phlox paniculata `Eva Cullum' rooted when taken from plants growing under the 10-hour photoperiod, but only 1.2 cuttings per plant were harvested; 2.5 cuttings per plant were taken from Phlox grown under the 24-h photoperiod, but only 20% rooted. Only stock plants of Sedum `Autumn Joy' receiving a 14-hour photoperiod produced significant numbers of vegetative shoots. Cutting production and rooting of Veronica `Sunny Border Blue' was not affected by photoperiod.
Echinacea purpurea Moench., or purple coneflower, has been classified both as an intermediate-day plant and a short-day/long-day plant by different research groups. We performed experiments to determine at what developmental stage Echinacea`Magnus' became sensitive to inductive photoperiods, and identified photoperiods that induced the most rapid flowering. Seedlings were raised under continuous light in 128-cell plug trays, then were transplanted into 11.4-cm plastic pots. Plants were transferred to 10-hour short days (sd) once seedlings developed 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 true leaves. After 4 or 6 weeks of sd treatment (primary induction), plants were moved to 16- or 24-hour photoperiods until flowering (secondary induction). Plants were also grown under continuous 10-, 14-, and 24-hour photoperiods to serve as controls. At least 4 leaves were required for flower induction; flowering was delayed and the percentage was low when plants had 3 leaves at the beginning of primary induction. Plants under continuous 14-hour photoperiods had the highest flower percentage (100%) and flowered earliest (87 days). Plants under continuous 10- and 24-hour photoperiods did not flower. Four weeks of sd followed by 16-hour photoperiods induced complete flowering and in an average of 95 days. However, 6 weeks sd was required for 100% flowering when the final photoperiod was 24 hours.