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In Miami-Dade County, Fla., there are 1,240 registered nurseries, growing plants in 14,000 acres, making it the state's leading nursery crop producer. This industry provides 18,000 nursery related jobs and in 2000 had an estimated total value of $790 million. Like many other agricultural industries in Florida, the nursery industry has become very competitive; as a result, many growers are searching for new marketing opportunities. The Caribbean region consists of 28 nations with a population of 21 million. This region is considered one of the most dependent on agricultural imports. In 2004, United State agricultural exports to the Caribbean reached a total value of $1.9 billion, of which $9 million was nursery plant product. Due to proximity of many of the Caribbean countries and cheap transportation costs, the United State is essentially trading in its own backyard. To strengthen the export knowledge of local nursery growers, a partnership was created among the Southern U.S. Trade Association (SUSTA), the USDA's Caribbean Basin Agricultural Trade Office (CBATO), Miami–Dade College, and the University of Florida/Miami–Dade County Cooperative Extension Service. Two different workshop series were offered to train selected nursery managers about the export essentials. As a result of this partnership, 21 nursery growers were able to complete the program, 57% of the participants had exported in the past to the Caribbean and 43% are now starting to export.