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- Author or Editor: Phillip C. Flanagan x
- HortScience x
Interior surfaces of tube trays were painted with white exterior acrylic latex paint and white interior latex paint containing 0, 50, or 300 gm/1 copper sulfate. Germinated Quercus acutissima seedlings were used to study chemical root pruning effects and subsequent root regeneration. After 16 weeks, only 0.73 roots per seedling continued growth after being deflected by the tubewall painted with 100gm/1 compared with 3.67 for the control. Fibrous roots were reduced when in contact with cu treated surfaces. Height and caliper were not affected at any treatment level. Three weeks after transplanting to larger untreated containers, height and caliper were still unaffected by any cu treatment. Time required for regeneration of new roots was not affected by cu treatments.
Previous research at this facility has shown that copper sulfate, when incorporated with latex paint and applied to the interior surfaces of tube trays, was effective in chemically root pruning Quercus acutissima seedlings. Only 20% of deflected roots continued to grow after contacting Cu treated tube walls compared to controls. Treated plants showed a reduction of fibrous roots on the plug surface. Height and caliper were not affected by Cu treatments during chemical root pruning in the tube tray. Time required for regeneration of new roots was not affected by Cu treatments. Seedlings from each treatment were planted and grown two seasons under field conditions to observe effects on growth and root regeneration. No treatment effects occurred for height or caliper. Oak seedlings chemically root pruned with Cu exhibited more lateral growth and branching than control plants.
Since 1988, efforts have been underway to establish a nursery research station in McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee. Approximately 80 acres of farm property adjacent to the Collins scenic river has been conveyed to Tennessee State University (TSU) for this purpose. Scientists at TSU, Tennessee Technological University, University of Tennessee, and USDA's National Arboretum and Shade Tree Laboratory have cooperated in obtaining grant funds via the Capacity Building Grants Program to initiate a plant evaluation and introduction program. Replicated trials of woody genera include Acer, Castanea, Cornus, Lagerstroemia, Quercus, Syringa, Ulmus. Herbaceous genera are Echinacea, Hemerocallis, Hosta. Plantings will be made over a three year period as infrastructure at the new station develops. Additional grant proposals have been recently submitted.
Efforts have been underway since 1988 to establish a nursery research station in McMinnville, TN. Approximately 80 acres of farm property has been conveyed to Tennessee State University (TSU) for this purpose. Scientists at TSU, Tennessee Technological University, University of Tennessee, and USDA's National Arboretum and Shade Tree Laboratory have cooperated in obtaining funding via the Capacity Building Grants Program to initiate a plant evaluation and introduction program at the new station. Initial trials of woody genera include Acer, Castanea, Cornus, Lagerstroemia, Quercus, Syringa, and Ulmus. Herbaceous genera are Echinacea, Hemerocallis, and Hosta. Plantings will be made over a three year period as infrastructure at the new station develops. Complementary grant proposals have been recently submitted. Design, funding and support of all Tennessee introduction and evaluation programs will be discussed.
The Tennessee State University Nursery Crops Research Station is located at McMinnville in Middle Tennessee. This is a major nursery production area with a USDA Zone 6b climate and 134 cm mean annual rainfall.
Approximately 4 ha has been established, with drip irrigation, for comparative evaluation trials of Acer, Cornus, Lagerstroemia, Quercus, Syringa and Ulmus. Plants are being evaluated for: 1) landscape performance - growth, drought tolerance, heat/cold tolerance, 2)ornamental characteristics - bloom. leafcolor, fall color, shape, 3) resistance to disease and pests, and 4) adaptability for production under commercial conditions. Acquisition of plant materials began in 1992 with the collection and planting of more than 120 spp/cv of Acer. Plantings in 1994 consisted of Cornus = 100 spp/cv; Lagerstroemia = 70 spp/cv; Quercus ≈ 90 spp/cv; Syringa ≈ 50 spp/cv and Ulmus ≈ 30 spp/cv.
The long term objective is the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation program for the nursery industry of Tennessee.
One-half (18 g·ha-1 a.i.) and three-fourths (27 g·ha-1 a.i.) rates of halosulfuron (Manage®, MON 12051) were combined with adjuvants and evaluated for effectiveness in controlling purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) and for phytotoxic responses exhibited by two kinds of container-grown ornamental plants. Adjuvants included X-77®, Scoil®, Sun-It II®, Action “99”®, and Agri-Dex®. By 8 weeks after treatment (WAT), halosulfuron combined with X-77®, Agri-Dex®, or Action “99”® at the lower halosulfuron rate provided <90% purple nutsedge suppression. In contrast, Sun-It II® provided 100% control when combined with the higher halosulfuron rate. Nutsedge control persisted into the following growing season and halosulfuron combined with either Scoil® or Sun-It II® provided >97% suppression of nutsedge tuber production. Growth of liriope [Liriope muscari (Decne.) Bailey `Big Blue'] was not inhibited by Scoil® or Sun-It II® adjuvants in combination with the low rate of halosulfuron. However, regardless of the rate of halosulfuron or adjuvant used, initial foliar chlorosis was observed in both daylily (Hemerocallis sp. L. `Stella d'Oro') and liriope. All liriope receiving halosulfuron with X-77®, Scoil®, or Sun-It II® adjuvants recovered normal foliage by 8 WAT. By contrast, at 8 WAT some daylily still maintained a degree of foliar discoloration. In addition to chlorosis, all treatments reduced flower number in daylilies. The number of flower scapes produced by liriope was not affected by halosulfuron when in combination with either Sun-It II® or Scoil®. The high rate of halosulfuron combined with X-77® or Action “99”® improved control of purple nutsedge. However, this rate inhibited growth of both species, daylily flower numbers, and scape numbers of liriope, regardless of adjuvant. Chemical names used: halosulfuron (Manage®, MON 12051, methyl 5-{[(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidinyl) amino] carbonyl-aminosulfonyl}-3-chloro-1-methyl-1-H-pyrozole-4-carboxylate); proprietary blends of 100% methylated seed oil (Scoil® and Sun-It II®); proprietary blend of 99% polyalkyleneoxide modified heptamethyl trisiloxane and nonionic surfactants (Action “99”®); alkylarylpolyoxyethylene, alkylpolyoxyethelene, fatty acids, glycols, dimethylpolysiloxane, and isopropanol (X-77®); proprietary blend of 83% paraffin-based petroleum oil, with 17% polyoxyethylate polyol fatty acid ester and polyol fatty ester as nonionic surfactants (Agri-Dex®)