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  • Author or Editor: L. Ramos-Ledon x
  • HortScience x
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Phenological stages of ‘Flora-Dade’ tomatoes are described using a nomenclature system to be used for tomato pest management. Two vegetative stages (TV1, TV2) are listed as well as 3 reproductive plant stages (TR1, TR2, and TR3). Vegetative stage TV1 describes plants 1–15–days old with 2–3 primary leaves. TV2 describes plants 6–39 days–old with 5–7 leaves. Reproductive stages (TR1 TR2, and TR3) cover plants 40–135 days–old, characterized by presence of flowers clusters, and fruit formation and ripening. Characteristics of each stage are discussed. A senescent stage (TS1) is present from 136–200 days after plant emergence.

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