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- Author or Editor: Ellen T. Paparozzi x
Horticulturists are often interested in evaluating the effect of several treatment factors on plant growth in order to determine optimal growing conditions. Factors could include three or more nutrient elements, or types and rates of irrigation, pesticides or growth regulators, possibly in combination with one another. Two problems with such experiments are how to characterize plant response to treatment combinations and how to design such experiments so that they are manageable. The standard statistical approach is to use linear and quadratic (a.k.a. response surface) regression to characterize treatment effects and to use response surface designs, e.g., central-composite designs. However, these often do a poor job characterizing plant response to treatments. Hence the need for more generally applicable methods. While our goal is to be able to analyze three and higher factor experiments, we started by tweaking two-factor nutrient analysis data. The result was a hybrid model which allows for a given factor to respond linearly or non-linearly. We will show how this was done and our current “in progress” model and analysis for analyzing three quantitative factors.
Previous hydroponic studies have shown that nitrogen rates applied to roses can be cut in half as long as known quantities of sulfur are added. A two-year study began in February, 1991, to determine if roses potted in a 2:1:1 mix (soil:peat:perlite) would respond similarly. Six cultivars and three treatments (300 ppm N 20-30-10, N:S at 2:1 and N:S at 4:1 with N being approx. 155 ppm) were replicated three times in a split-plot design. Data included number of flowers and length of stems cut daily. Plants were allowed to grow for 4 months, were cut back, then allowed to grow for 7 months and cut back again. After the second pruning, shoots were harvested for N and S analysis. Soil samples were also taken. Initial data, analyzed through September, indicates that across cultivars the total number of flowers produced was not influenced by the N:S treatments. Certain cultivars, however, were more productive than others. Champagne and Bridal White consistently produced more flowers than Samantha and Amorous, regardless of fertilizer treatment. Certain treatment cultivar combinations were also significant indicating that cultivar response may limit N:S recommendations.
Phenolic levels have been analyzed in several grape cultivars that are suited for growing in southeastern Nebraska. The phenolic levels of these cultivars are not known to have been previously published. The polyphenol content of fruits and fruit products such as wine have been shown to be directly correlated to the antioxidant potential of the product. Antioxidants help to prevent the effects of aging and age-associated diseases. The grape cultivars in the study are grown primarily for wine production, but also as fresh table grapes and for making juice and jellies. The total phenolic content is being analyzed by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. Of the red grapes, `St. Croix' and `Frontenac' have the highest levels of polyphenols, followed by `Chambourcin' and `deChaunac', with levels varying from 1.4–4.9 mg·g-1 (polyphenols/grape), measured as gallic acid equivalents (GAE). The white grapes `Vignoles' and `LaCrosse' have total phenolic levels of 1.4 to 2.2 mg·g-1 (polyphenols/grape), also measured as gallic acid equivalents (GAE).
Research on hydroponically grown mums showed that nitrogen (N) levels applied can be reduced when adequate sulfur (S) is also applied. However, changes in stem length, leaf area, and time-to-fl ower can be affected. Our goal was to evaluate whether reduced N levels in combination with S would affect commercial production and post-harvest longevity of pot mums. `White Diamond' was grown in a peat:perlite:vermiculite medium following a commercial production schedule. N levels applied were 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg/L. S levels were 0, 5, 10, 20, and 80 mg/L. The treatment design was a complete factorial 4 × 5 with 20 treatment combinations. The experimental design was a split-plot with N levels as the whole-plot and S levels as the split-plot factor. Variables measured were plant height, leaf area, days to bud set, days to first color, and days to flower opening. Plants were ship to the Univ. of Florida for postharvest evaluation. Data were analyzed using SAS PROC MIXED AND PROC REG. N and S interactions were significant for all variables measured except flower longevity. Plants receiving 0 mg/L S did not produce inflorescences, had shorter stems, and less leaf area regardless of N levels. Plants receiving 50 mg/L N and some S produced inflorescences, but were of inferior quality to plants receiving 100, 150, and 200 mg/L N. Plants receiving 200 mg/L N and 80 mg/L S showed breakdown of plant architecture. Plants of commercial quality were obtained at 100, 150, and 200 mg/L N in combination with either 5, 10, or 20 mg/L S.
Penstemon seed often shows an inconsistent or a low germination percentage. Although most select cultivars are propagated by cuttings, for export to other countries, seed is preferred. Three experiments were conducted to determine if soaking seed in gibberellic acid (GA3) would increase seed germination of Penstemon digitalis cv. Husker Red. GA3 concentrations used were 0, 10, 50, 100, 200, and 500 mg·L−1 (first experiment); 0, 500, 1000, and 1500 mg·L−1 (second experiment); and 0, 500, and 1000 mg·L−1 (third experiment). The first and second experiments were conducted in a growth chamber, whereas the third experiment was conducted in both a growth chamber and greenhouse with seeds either covered or not covered by the mix. In all experiments, GA3 increased the percentage and rate of seed germination. The 1000 mg·L−1 GA3 was the best treatment. In the third experiment, percentage and rate of seed germination were the highest for seeds grown inside of the growth chamber, probably as a result of the consistency of temperatures and darkness. In the greenhouse, the percentage of seeds that germinated and the rate of germination were similar whether or not the seeds were covered with mix and whether they received either the 500 or 1000 mg·L−1 GA3 treatment.
This universally accessible, Web-based decision case presents the challenge of determining the cause of foliar chlorosis in a crop of dicentra (Dicentra spectabilis) being forced as a cut flower for Valentine's Day sales. The case study serves as a tool to promote the development of diagnostic skills for production dilemmas, including nutritional disorders, disease problems, and evaluation of the appropriateness of cultural practices. Cut dicentra is a minor crop and standard production practices are not well established. Solving this case requires that students research production protocol, as well as nutritional and pest problems, and determine whether they have enough information to recommend a solution. In this case study, a grower at Flint's Flower Farm must determine the cause of foliar chlorosis that is slowly appearing on about half the plants of her cut dicentra crop. The condition could be related to a number of possible problems, including a nutritional disorder, disease infection, or production practices. Resources are provided to aid students in gathering background information. Data accumulated by the grower are presented to allow students to eliminate unlikely solutions logically. The solution, which is unique to this crop, is provided along with detailed objectives and discussion points in teaching notes. This case study is complex in nature and is intended for use with advanced students in upper-level undergraduate courses of floriculture production, nutrient management, and plant pathology who have been previously exposed to the diagnostic process.
Nitrogen response was compared in two Plectranthus species, Plectranthus parviflorus and Plectranthus ambiguus, which differ substantially in their phenotypic reaction to nitrogen limitation. The leaves of the former species gradually yellow during the nitrogen stress but are retained on the plant. This species copes with nitrogen deficiency also by gradual hydrolysis of starch grains. The latter species, P. ambiguus, responds by abscission of lower leaves. As plant hormones cytokinins are involved in nitrogen response as well as in regulation of the chlorophyll content, their dynamics were followed to explore the fast responses as well as the impact of nitrogen treatment. Both plant species responded to nitrogen deficiency/supplementation in similar ways, by downregulation and upregulation, respectively, of active cytokinins. However, the different phenotypic reactions imposed by nitrogen limitation were associated with specific regulation of cytokinin pool accompanying the stress response by the two species. The increase of the active cytokinins on nitrogen resupply was faster and stronger in the regreening species, P. parviflorus than in P. ambiguus. However, the P. ambiguus plants maintained higher basal levels of all cytokinin metabolites as well as chlorophyll content when compared with P. parviflorus. Nitrogen deficiency was associated in this species with accumulation of cis-zeatin-type cytokinins, which preceded abscission of lower and later on of middle leaves. The achieved results indicate that phenotypic variations in the response to nitrogen deficiency/supplementation are associated with significant quantitative and qualitative differences in the cytokinin pool.