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  • Author or Editor: P. Spiegel-Roy x
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Treatment with a 0.5-2% cyanamide (H2NCN) solution for 5 min effectively substituted for chilling in seed of four Vitis vinifera L. cultivars, allowing immediate germination. Treatment could shorten the breeding cycle.

Open Access

Excluding seeded offspring at an early stage could be of great value to the breeder concerned with the development of seedless grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). We used the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique to identify molecular genetic markers, analyzing 82 individuals of a progeny resulting from a cross between `Early Muscat' (seeded) and `Flame Seedless'. Seven variables representing the traits of seedlessness were analyzed: mean fresh weight of one seed, total fresh weight of seeds per berry, perception of seed content, seed size categories evaluated visually, degree of hardness of the seed coat, degree of development of the endosperm, and degree of development of the embryo. Among 160 10mer primers, 110 gave distinct band patterns. Twelve markers yielded significant correlations with several subtraits of seedlessness, mainly with the mean fresh weight of one seed and the total fresh weight of seeds per berry. Multiple linear regression analysis resulted in high coefficients, such as R = 0.779 for fresh weight of seeds per berry, when the seven markers were included as independent variables in the model. Most of the seeded individuals, about 44% of the progeny, could be excluded using a two-step process of marker assisted selection.

Free access


Normal embryos and seedling plants were obtained from abortive ovules and seeds of seedless grape cultivars ‘Perlette’, ‘Flame Seedless’ and ‘Sultanina’. Plant development was accompanied by callus formation only in ‘Perlette’. The best medium was Nitsch’s with the addition of 10-5 m IAA and 10-6 m GA3. Excision and culturing of ‘Flame Seedless’ ovules 49 days after anthesis gave higher germination percentages and more viable plants than excision and culturing at anthesis plus 28. Selfed ‘Perlette’ and ‘Perlette’ × ‘Flame Seedless’ ovules cultured at 52 days gave 11%, and the reciprocal cross over 16% well developed seedlings. The significance of the findings for breeding stenospermocarpic grapes is discussed.

Open Access

Immature grape embryos from early ripening genotypes of Vitis vinifera were successfully cultured in vitro on Difco orchid agar or a modified White's agar medium. Germination was increased in vitro for five genotypes from 0%, 7%, 11%, 12%, and 16% in vivo to 15%, 24%, 23%, 34%, and 24%, respectively. Subculturing embryos onto liquid culture from seeds that failed to germinate on agar also was possible. Differences in germination rates, as affected by pollen, were significant. This method will allow accelerated development of early ripening cultivars by allowing breeders to use such genotypes as females, as well as males.

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