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- Author or Editor: Douglas A. Bailey x
Plants of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. ‘Merritt's Supreme’ containing inflorescence primordia within their apical buds developed more rapidly at 24°C than at 18° or 13° minimum temperature. Three weekly applications of one ml aqueous GA3 at 100, 500, or 1000 mg/liter progressively reduced forcing time of plants grown at 24°, and the highest level increased inflorescence diameter. Plant height was increased undesirably by gibberellin treatment, and marginal foliar necrosis occurred at the 2 highest concentrations used.
Dikegulac, dikegulac + GA4+7, BA, and Promalin (GA4+7 + BA) were evaluated as lateral shoot-inducing agents on greenhouse forcing azalea, Rhododendron cultivars Gloria and Prize. The addition of GA4+7 (1000 or 2000 mg.L-1) to a commercial rate of dikegulac (3900 mg.L-1) did not effectively increase plant diameter or leaf width compared to plants sprayed with dikegulac alone. The combination of dikegulac and GA4+7 (3900 + 2000 mg.L-1, respectively) was more phytotoxic than dikegulac alone. Foliar sprays of BA and Promalin at 1000 and 2000 mg.L-1 and 1000 and 1816 mg.L-1, respectively, did not increase lateral shoot count. Neither the addition of GA4+7 to dikegulac nor the use of Promalin is a viable alternative to dikegulac application for inducing lateral branch development of dikegulac-sensitive cultivars. Chemical names used: Na 2,3:4,6-Bis-0-(l-methylethylidene)-α-L-xylo-2-hexulofuranosonic acid (dikegulac), (lα,2β,4aα,4bβ,10β)-2,4a,7-trihydroxy-l-methyl-8-methylenegibb-3-ene-l,10-dicarboxylic acid l,4a-lactone (GA4+7),N-(phenylmethyl)-lH-purin-6-amine (BA), and Promalin [1:1 (wt/wt) GA4+7 and BA].
Experiments were designed to determine if the combination of 6-benzyl adenine + gibberellic acid 4+7 can promote increased lateral shoots of desirable number and length on azaleas (Rhododendron simsii Planch.). The use of dikegulac-sodium with the addition of GA4+7 was also investigated to determine if GA4+7 could overcome decreased plant height and diameter caused by dikegulac application. Treatments were applied by spraying 204 ml·m-2 to pinched plants of mean diameter and mean height of 16 and 13 cm, respectively, potted in 1.3 liter plastic containers. Shoot number, plant height and plant diameter were measured 9 weeks after application for the commercially prominent cvs. `Gloria' and `Prize'. Preliminary results indicate that 2100 mg·l-1 ai BA + 2100 mg·l-1 ai GA4+7 increases number of lateral shoots. Initial results suggest the addition of 2100 mg·l-1 ai GA4+7 to 3900 mg·l-1 ai dikegulac overcomes inhibition of internodal elongation induced by dikegulac alone. Further studies will determine the effectiveness of Promalin (N-(phenylmethyl)-1H-purine-6-amine + GA4+7, 1:1) as a pinching agent on azaleas.
Experiments were designed to determine if the combination of 6-benzyl adenine + gibberellic acid 4+7 can promote increased lateral shoots of desirable number and length on azaleas (Rhododendron simsii Planch.). The use of dikegulac-sodium with the addition of GA4+7 was also investigated to determine if GA4+7 could overcome decreased plant height and diameter caused by dikegulac application. Treatments were applied by spraying 204 ml·m-2 to pinched plants of mean diameter and mean height of 16 and 13 cm, respectively, potted in 1.3 liter plastic containers. Shoot number, plant height and plant diameter were measured 9 weeks after application for the commercially prominent cvs. `Gloria' and `Prize'. Preliminary results indicate that 2100 mg·l-1 ai BA + 2100 mg·l-1 ai GA4+7 increases number of lateral shoots. Initial results suggest the addition of 2100 mg·l-1 ai GA4+7 to 3900 mg·l-1 ai dikegulac overcomes inhibition of internodal elongation induced by dikegulac alone. Further studies will determine the effectiveness of Promalin (N-(phenylmethyl)-1H-purine-6-amine + GA4+7, 1:1) as a pinching agent on azaleas.
Substrate electrical conductivity (EC), pH, and nutrient content should be monitored frequently during seedling plug production. Current testing methods are either complicated, unsuited to plug production, or interpretation standards do not exist. This study compares the press extraction (PE) method developed at North Carolina State Univ. with the saturated media extract (SME) method and the 1 substrate: 2 water suspension method (1:2). These solution extraction methods were applied to plug trays containing peat-based germination mix treated with four levels of fertilizer. Two sample sizes of 20 or 60 plug cells were used to determine if the smaller, less destructive sample size would produce satisfactory results. Resulting pH values varied within 0.3 units among methods, but variability in EC and nutrient content was greater. The PE method resulted in the highest values for EC, NH4 +-N, NO3 --N, K, Ca, and Mg while sample size had little effect on analyses. The three extraction methods were then compared on peat- and coir-based substrates. Within substrates, pH, EC, and nutrients tested were similar for the PE and the SME. The coir extract had a higher pH and much higher levels of K and Na than did the peat extract but was lower in N, P, Ca, and Mg. Overall, fairly strong correlations among testing methods were found, especially between the SME and PE.
Methods for extracting growing substrate root-zone solution include the saturated media extract (SME) and the 2 water: 1 substrate (v/v) suspension, neither of which are particularly suited to bedding plant plug systems. We have developed the press extraction method (PEM) as a simple and quick alternative to these methods. The grower simply collects a representative sample of plug trays and presses the top of the plug, collecting the expelled solution. Solution pH and EC can be measured immediately and the sample then sent to an analytical laboratory for nutrient analysis. Initial experiments demonstrated that differing manual pressures did not affect solution chemical properties. The PEM then was compared to the SME and 2:1 methods over a range of fertilizer levels and with peat- and coir-based substrates. Within substrates, pH, EC, and macronutrients were similar between the PEM and the SME. The level of dilution inherent in the 2:1 method resulted in much lower EC and nutrient levels when compared to the other two methods. Further experiments compared the PEM to the SME and 2:1 on plug flats collected from several commercial greenhouses and also those grown in the research greenhouse. The wide range of bedding plant species and fertility levels tested introduced variation needed to develop regression equations and correlations to create quantitative interpretation ranges for the PEM based on previously published sufficiency ranges for the SME and 2:1.
There is a need for a substrate testing method suited for plug plant production. Methods currently used by most growers and analytical labs include the saturated media extract (SME) and the 2 water: 1 substrate (v/v) suspension. These methods are not particularly well-adapted to plug production. The press extraction (PE) method has been developed as a simple and quick alternative to these methods. However, interpretive standards for chemical analysis of plug substrates do not exist for PE. This study was designed to provide the necessary correlations between these methods to allow for development of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and nutrient interpretive ranges for plugs. Plugs of begonia (Begonia ×semperflorens-hybrida Hort.), impatiens (Impatiens walleriana Hook. f.), marigold (Tagetes erecta L.), petunia (Petunia ×hybrida Hort. Vilm.-Andr.), salvia (Salvia splendens F. Sellow ex Roem. & Schult.), and vinca (Catharanthus roseus L.) were collected from commercial greenhouses and the substrate solution extracted with the PE, SME, and 1:2 methods. Plugs of begonia, celosia (Celosia argentea L. var. cristata (L.) Kuntze Plumosa Group), marigold, petunia, and vinca were grown with three fertilizer rates of 50, 150, and 250 mg·L-1 N. Shoots were harvested 30 days after planting and the solution was extracted from each flat using the three methods. For both experiments, PE EC was equal to or higher than the SME EC, and the pH was equal to or lower than the SME pH. The pH from the 1:2 was also similar to the PE. However, 1:2 EC results were consistently the lowest because of the dilution inherent in the 1:2 method. Interpretation ranges for pH and EC relationships were calculated to compare results from the PE with published sufficiency ranges for the SME and 1:2.
The effects of repetitive subculturing, cytokinin species and concentration, basal medium, and gelatinizing constituent were studied to maximize shoot multiplication of Hydrangea macrophylla Thunb. ‘Rose Supreme’ shoot tip cultures. Cytokinin treatments of BA or 2iP at 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 μm were incorporated into woody plant medium (WPM) solidified with 6 g·liter−1 Sigma agar. Cultures grown on 8 μm BA produced the greatest number of useable shoots per 4-week subculture. No treatment stimulated shoot multiplication until the 2nd subculture, after which shoot multiplication remained constant within treatments through the 5th subculture. Results indicate no difference in number of shoots produced per subculture on modified Gamborg's B5, modified Murashige and Skoog basal medium, or WPM when incorporating 8 μm BA and 6 g·liter−1 Sigma agar. No difference in shoot multiplication was observed between 6 g·liter−1 Sigma agar and 2 g·liter−1 Gel-Rite when incorporated into WPM containing 8 μm BA. However, culture fresh weight and shoot length was greater for cultures on Gel-Rite than for cultures on agar. Chemical names used: N-(phenylmethyl)-lH-purin-6-amine (BA) and N-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-lH-purin-6-amine (2iP).
Ancymidol and paclobutrazol (13 weekly foliar spray applications of 100 mg/liter AI) stimulated inflorescence initiation of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. ‘Merritt's Supreme’ plants under a noninductive continuous photoperiod at 24°C minimum daily temperature. Inflorescence primordia were present on plants having 12-14 subtending leaf pairs. Four expanded leaf pairs prior to initiation of treatments were sufficient to sustain inflorescence development. Plant height was controlled effectively with 10,000 mg/liter daminozide, 50 and 100 mg/liter ancymidol, and 100 mg/liter paclobutrazol treatments. Chlormequat at 3000 mg/liter did not suppress internodal elongation. Number of expanded leaf pairs per plant was significantly less than on control plants for all treatments except chlormequat at 3000 mg/liter. Chemical names used: α-cyclopropyl-α-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-pyrimidinemethanol (ancymidol); β[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-α-(l,l-dimethylethyl)-1H-l,2,4-triazole-l-ethanol (paclobutrazol); butanedioic acid mono (2,2-dimethylhydrazide) (daminozide); [2-chloro-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium chloride (chlormequat chloride); 1H-indole-3-butanoic acid (IBA).
Since whiteflies preferentially oviposit on the newest leaves, it is the early life stages that are most likely to be present on poinsettia cuttings from infested stock or infested during rooting. This study evaluated efficacy of insecticidal dips against eggs and first nymphal instars of the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii. Dip efficacy was investigated by dipping rooted cuttings of whitefly-infested `Freedom' in the following insecticide emulsions: 2% insecticidal soap (M-Pede), 1% horticultural oil (Ultrafine), fluvalinate (Mavrik), oxythioquinox (Joust), kinoprene (EnstarII), azadirachtin (Margosan-O), fenoxycarb (Precision) and imidacloprid (Merit). Two dip durations, 10 seconds and 1 hour, were tested for each insecticide. Water dips for the two durations were used as control treatments. Fenoxycarb and azadirachtin dips for durations of 10 seconds and 1 hour and oxythioquinox dips for 1 hour resulted in greater egg mortality than the other treatments. No insecticide/dip duration treatment gave 100% mortality of eggs. Dips found to be efficacious killed proportionately fewer eggs than first instar nymphs.