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  • Author or Editor: Daniel J. Cantliffe x
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To investigate the effects of environment on plant volatile emissions, `Waldmann's Green' leaf lettuce was cultivated under different levels of photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), photoperiod, and temperature. A modified growth chamber was used to sample plant volatile emissions nondestructively, over time, and under controlled conditions. Total volatile emission rates were significantly higher from lettuce cultivated under PPF of 360 or 200 μmol·m-2·s-1 compared to 105 μmol·m-2·s-1, and significantly higher under a 16-h photoperiod than an 8-h photoperiod. No differences were detected among emission rates from different temperature treatments. In controlled environments, emissions could be regulated by adjusting environmental conditions accordingly.

Free access

The shrunken-2 (sh2) mutant of maize (Zea mays L.) increases sucrose and reduces starch in developing endosperm. An associated trait is poor seed and seedling vigor in seeds containing the mutation. The specific effects of sh2 mutant endosperm on embryo and seedling vigor were determined by analyzing seeds that contained either concordant wild-type or nonconcordant combinations of mutant and wild-type embryo and endosperm genotypes. The nonconcordant seed types that contained a wild-type embryo in association with a sh2 mutant endosperm or a sh2 mutant embryo in association with a wild-type endosperm were generated using the TB-3La translocation chromosome in which a wild-type Sh2 gene is attached to the centromeric portion of a B chromosome. Under stress conditions (complex stress vigor test), the seeds with mutant endosperm had lower germination, seedling fresh and dry weight, and index of conductivity than seeds with wild-type endosperm. Mutant endosperm and embryos excised from mutant endosperm imbibed more water than wild-type endosperm or embryos excised from wild-type endosperm. Because of the high concentration of osmotic solutes in the mutant endosperm, a rapid water uptake may induce a membrane disorganization. Leachate conductivities of seeds with mutant endosperm were higher than seeds with wild-type endosperm. In addition, a higher sucrose content and a lower raffinose to sucrose ratio were measured in the wild-type embryos associated with mutant endosperms than in the normal embryos excised from concordant wild-type seeds. These results suggest that a high rate of water uptake caused by the elevated concentration of osmotic solutes in seeds with mutant endosperms may affect membrane integrity during imbibition. Alternatively, the lower raffinose to sucrose ratio present in the mutant endosperm class might affect stabilization of cell membranes during seed desiccation. Embryos cultured in media containing 10% starch or no carbohydrate produced smaller seedlings than embryos cultured in 5% or 10% sucrose. Wild-type embryos excised from mutant endosperms exhibited lower germination in 0% and 5% sucrose media than embryos from concordant seed, indicating that reduced water uptake rates associated with lower external osmotic potential (10% sucrose) can improve vigor of embryos associated with sh2 mutant endosperm. The reduced vigor of embryos and seedlings that develop in association with sh2 mutant endosperm can be traced to the physiological and biochemical effects of the elevated sucrose levels present during seed formation and imbibition.

Free access

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) seed germination may be erratic or reduced under high temperatures (above 35 °C). Even in tropical genotypes (tolerant to high temperatures during crop development), the negative effects of high temperatures on carrot stand establishment have been observed, especially during summer. The objectives of this study were to characterize commercial carrot cultivars and accession lines for their ability to germinate at high temperature and determine the ethylene production during imbibition at high temperature. Seeds from 34 commercial cultivars and 125 carrot accessions from the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station were germinated at 25 °C (optimal) and 35 ± 0.5 °C (high) in constant light. Ethylene production during seed imbibition at high temperature was evaluated in some genotypes. Many of the commercial cultivars had reduced germination at 35 °C. ‘XPC-3617’, ‘Alvorada’, ‘Brasilia’, and ‘Esplanada’ had the greatest germination at 35 °C. A greater number of accessions germinated at 35 °C than did the commercial genotypes. The accession PI 319858 germinated 95% at both temperatures and was considered thermotolerant. Six accessions (Ames 7665, Ames 7698, Ames 25031, PI 167082, PI 294637, and PI 319858) germinated above 80% at 35 °C and were also identified as potential sources of thermotolerance. Fifteen other accessions (Ames 7694, Ames 25031, Ames 25036, Ames 25049, Ames 25705, PI 167082, PI 179687, PI 180834, PI 261782, PI 269486, PI 273658, PI 277710, PI 288242, PI 294637, and PI 319858) had thermotolerance ratios of T35/T25 0.85 or greater (where T35 = germination at 35 °C and T25 = germination at 25 °C) and were identified for further testing. The identified thermotolerant genotypes might be useful for carrot seed germination mechanism studies as well as for breeding programs. Ethylene production during seed germination at high temperature was greater in thermotolerant genotypes than in thermosensitive genotypes. High correlations were observed between first germination count at 35 °C and ethylene production, total germination at 35 °C and ethylene production, and thermotolerance ratio and ethylene production.

Free access

To investigate thermotolerance in seeds of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), primed, nonprimed, or seeds matured at 20/10 and 30/20 °C (day/night on a 12-h photoperiod) were imbibed at 36 °C for various periods and then dissected. Structural changes in seed coverings in front of the radicle tip were observed during germination at high temperature. Thermotolerant genotypes, ‘Everglades’ and PI 251245, were compared with a thermosensitive cultivar, ‘Dark Green Boston’. In all seeds that germinated, regardless of seed maturation temperature or priming, a crack appeared on one side of the cap tissue (constriction of the endosperm membrane near the basal end of the seed) at the micropylar region and the endosperm separated from the integument in front of the radicle tip. Additional changes took place during imbibition in these seeds; the protein bodies in the vacuoles enlarged and gradually depleted, large empty vacuoles formed, the cytoplasm condensed, the endosperm shrank, the endosperm cell wall dissolved and ruptured, and then the radicle elongated toward this ruptured area. The findings suggested that the endosperm layer presented mechanical resistance to germination in seeds that could not germinate at 36 °C. Weakening of this layer was a prerequisite to radicle protrusion at high temperature. Seeds of ‘Dark Green Boston’, ‘Everglades’, and PI 251245 matured at 30/20 °C had greater thermotolerance than those matured at 20/10 °C. Results of the anatomical study indicated that the endosperm cell walls in front of the radicle of seeds matured at 30/20 °C were more readily disrupted and ruptured during imbibition than seeds matured at 20/10 °C, suggesting a reason why these seeds could germinate quickly at supraoptimal temperatures. Similar endosperm structural alterations also were observed in primed seeds. Priming led to rapid and uniform germination, circumventing the inhibitory effects of high temperatures. From anatomical studies conducted to identify and characterize thermotolerance in lettuce seed germination, we observed that genotype, seed maturation temperature, or seed priming had the ability to reduce physical resistance of the endosperm by weakening the cell wall and by depleting stored reserves leading to cell collapse.

Free access

Datil hot pepper (Capsicum chinense) has potential for increased production due to its unique, spicy flavor and aroma. However, few reports have been published related to postharvest handling characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of harvest maturity on fruit quality under simulated commercial storage conditions. ‘Wanda’ datil pepper plants were grown hydroponically under protected culture. Fruit were harvested at yellow and orange maturity stages, placed in vented clamshell containers, and stored at 2, 7, or 10 °C for 21 days. Peppers harvested at yellow stage maintained greater quality than orange peppers during storage at all temperatures. Marketable fruit after 21 days for peppers harvested at the yellow stage was 94% (2 °C), 88% (7 °C), and 91% (10 °C); that for orange-stage peppers was 68%, 74%, and 82% for the same respective temperatures. No chilling injury (CI) symptoms were observed in these tests. Initial pepper moisture content was 90%, decreasing only slightly during 21 days of storage; weight loss ranged from 2% to 8%. Soluble solids content (SSC) was greater for peppers harvested at the orange stage (9.5%) than for those at yellow stage (7.8%). Neither harvest maturity nor storage temperature affected total titratable acidity (TTA; 0.13%) or pH (5.3). Respiration rate varied with temperature but not by harvest maturity and ranged from 12 to 25 mg·kg−1 per hour after 8 days of storage. Peppers harvested orange contained double the amount of total carotenoids as yellow fruit. Carotenoid content for yellow and orange peppers was 58 and 122 µg·g−1, respectively. Capsaicinoid content ranged from 1810 to 4440 µg·g−1 and was slightly greater for orange-harvested peppers. Datil peppers harvested at the yellow stage and stored in vented clamshell containers had better quality than peppers harvested at the orange stage after 21 days at 2 °C.

Open Access