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  • multiple shoots x
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explants producing regenerative callus and number of shoots induced per leaf explant. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression analyses (Proc GLM, SAS Version 9.1; SAS Inst., Cary, NC). Polyploid induction

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satisfactory lengths and quality of L. monopetalum shoots were determined. Furthermore, a method of producing multiple rooted microshoots during one stage was proposed. Rooting of microshoots and plantlet acclimatization were highly successful and the rooting

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1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA); plantlets rooted in vitro acclimated using dome for first 2 weeks ( I ), and then kept under mist for 2 more weeks ( J ), (K) Acclimated plantlet transplanted into pots. Effects of cytokinins on multiple shoot

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; Zabadal et al., 2007 ). In this situation, vine recovery was accomplished by retraining new shoots for trunk replacement. To restore growth balance, grapevines are managed differently by training multiple shoots (called suckers) from the trunk base on a

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) weekly using a SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter (Minolta Corp., Ramsey, NJ). Shoot length was also measured weekly. Interveinal chlorosis symptoms on the leaves were rated using six classes with 0 as green and healthy, 1 as slightly yellow, 2 as one-fourth of

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studies on callus initiation. Cultivar Bun Long was used in all experiments. Initiation of taro calluses. Shoot tips were excised under a microscope using the method of Hartman (1974) as the first step in producing DsMV-free plantlets. Multiple

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potential is determined by the genotypic bud fruitfulness and the traditional crop control strategy achieved by winter pruning, node count adjustment, and, for further fine-tuning, by shoot and cluster thinning. However, manual cluster thinning is time

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., 1997 ). Among heavy metal-transporting P-type ATPases (HMAs), the protein encoded by the HMA5 gene is mainly expressed in pericycle cells ( Birnbaum et al., 2003 ), and it is speculated to play a role in Cu transport from roots to shoots ( Andrés

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plants produced earlier and higher yields than single hermaphrodite seedlings and multiple planted seedlings thinned to a single hermaphrodite ( Fitch et al., 2005b ). Materials and Methods Plant material All experiments were conducted at the

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), triple-line source sprinkler system ( Aragues et al., 1992 ), and double-emitter source (DES) system ( De Malach et al., 1996 ), can screen multiple plant species for salinity tolerance at a wide range of salinity levels while reducing labor costs. Hawks

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