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. Three milliliters of eluates per test were used on a Whatman no. 2 filter paper (GE Healthcare BioSciences, Pittsburgh, PA) placed in a petri dish. Seed germination was assessed and radicle lengths after were measured following after 24- and 72-h
Germination of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seeds in petri dishes at various levels of water stress was comparable, except under conditions of severe stress when a PEG pretreatment improved final percentage germination and enhanced the onset and rate of germination. At intermediate or high watering levels, PEG-pretreated seeds germinated more rapidly than untreated seeds, but final germination was not altered by PEG. Germination of seeds in soil, under controlled laboratory conditions, was similar to that in petri dishes except under the driest conditions (5% ASM) when little emergence occurred whether the seeds were pretreated or not. A majority of the seeds which failed to germinate after 2 weeks under dry soil conditions were still viable, since subsequently they could be induced to germinate by moistening the soil to 100% ASM. Water requirement of tomato seeds for optimal rate of germination was cultivar dependent; PI-341988 seeds germinated well at 60% ASM or greater, whereas ST-24 required 100% ASM for best germination.
relative seed viability, seed germination was measured in four cultivar checks (Covar, Durar, Joseph, and Nezpurs) and 34 FEID 9025897 individuals. This population subset of FEID 9025897 was chosen to represent the range of phenotype (morphological traits
, the transgenic lines bolted within 20 d of seed germination at the four-leaf (rosette) stage and flowered within 26 d of seed germination at the six-leaf stage, whereas the WT and vector controls bolted within 30 d of seed germination at the 11-leaf
emission. Seeds selected from the ZsGreen1 -transgenic lines were sown in 72-cell plot trays filled with Sunshine potting mix. The seeds germinated inside a growth chamber at 25 °C with a 16-h photoperiod, and the fluorescence emission from the seedlings
ABA is an important plant hormone that plays a role in the regulation of plant developmental processes, such as seed germination, leaf senescence, root structure, seedling growth, and stomatal closure. ABA also plays an important role in the
cold stress) and cold conditions (after 24 h of cold stress). Each value represents the means of three biological replicates, and vertical bars indicate the se . The 35S:MaRING2 plant is hypersensitive to ABA. We compared the seed germination rates
produced COLE seed were sold for as much as $258 per kilogram (in 2006), and the seed costs for planting COLE along highways reached as high as $4300 per hectare. COLE seed germination and progeny growth, development, and sustainability are very important
minimize the dye loss. The fluorescence of CFDA was analyzed by excitation at 488 nm, and emission was detected at a bandpath of 505–570 nm. The fluorescence of cells was captured using a digital camera. Seed germination. Seed germination followed the
-red wavelengths to control physiological responses such as seed germination and flowering ( Chaves et al., 2011 ; Vierstra and Zhang, 2011 ). Cryptochromes and phototropins are blue light receptors. Cryptochromes act as signaling molecules that regulate responses