The pressure inside a mature sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) fruit is thought to be an important factor in rain cracking. However, to our knowledge, this pressure has never been quantified directly. The objectives of this study are to quantify: 1) the cell turgor (
Rain-induced cracking severely limits production of many soft-textured, drupe, and berry fruits. Sweet cherry is a prominent example of the former (Christensen, 1996). Cracking is commonly assumed to result from increased fruit turgor, caused by osmotic water uptake through the wetted fruit skin or the pedicel during and after precipitation or heavy dew (Considine and Kriedemann, 1972; Measham et al., 2009; Sekse, 1995; Sekse et al., 2005). As a consequence of water uptake, fruit volume and, hence, skin surface area must increase. It is believed that as the skin surface area increases, the fruit will crack because the skin area increase exceeds the natural limit of its extensibility. The associated pressure immediately before cracking is referred to as the critical turgor pressure (Considine and Kriedemann, 1972; Measham et al., 2009).
In discussions of plant water relations, cell turgor pressure is usually understood in terms of the sensible pressure in the semifluid protoplast when it is constrained within a taut cell wall. Cell turgor is usually (but not always) defined relative to atmospheric pressure. In this explanation of fruit cracking, the term “turgor” is used analogously to this to refer to the tissue pressure in a soft fruit’s semifluid parenchymatous mesocarp when it is constrained within a taut fruit skin. That is, the entire fruit is considered to behave in a way analogous to a single plant cell.
Although the critical turgor pressure model seems to offer a logical conceptual framework for explaining fruit cracking, it has not, to our knowledge, been critically examined and the evidence supporting it is mostly circumstantial or indirect.
The objectives of our present study therefore were 1) to quantify
Materials and Methods
Plant material.
Fruits of uniform size and color were harvested at commercial maturity from greenhouse-grown sweet cherries (‘Kordia’, ‘Korvic’, ‘Sam’, ‘Samba’, ‘Sweetheart’, ‘Staccato’) and sour cherries (‘Ungarische Traubige’) both grafted on ‘Gisela 5’ rootstocks (P. cerasus × Prunus canescens Bois) or from field-grown european plum (‘Doppelte Hauspflaume’ grafted on Prunus insitia L. ‘St. Julien A’), gooseberry (‘Invicta’), red currant (‘Rovada’), black currant (‘Titania’), and blueberry (‘Elliott’) at the Horticultural Research Station in Sarstedt (lat. 52°14′ N, long. 9°49′ E) or the Herrenhausen campus garden of the Leibniz University Hannover (lat. 52°23′ N, long. 9°42′ E). Grapes were obtained from a commercial vineyard at Gleidingen [‘Fanny’ (lat. 52°16′ N, long. 9°42′ E)] or an experimental vineyard at Neustadt/Weinstraße [‘Riesling’ (lat. 49°22′ N, long. 8°11′ E)]. Tomato (‘Micro-Tom’) was cultivated in a greenhouse on the Herrenhausen campus garden. Fruit were processed on the day of sampling. The only exceptions were the ‘Riesling’ grapes that were processed within 34 h of sampling.
Quantifying and using pressure probes.
The pressure probe is a device for investigating plant water relations. For detailed descriptions of the various techniques involved and modes of operation, see Steudle (1993). The pressure probes used in our study were the cell pressure probe and the root pressure probe as described by Steudle (1993). The latter probe may also be used to quantify the
When using the FPP, insertion of the capillary is associated with an increase in the pressure signal (Fig. 2A). Unlike CPP measurements, a meniscus is not usually detectable. In this case an equilibrium pressure is recorded as the
Occasionally, the capillaries of the CPP or FPP became plugged or the seal between the capillary and cell wall (CPP) or between the capillary and fruit skin (FPP) became leaky. Both occurrences resulted in an obviously erroneous result. Plugging was easily recognized by a rapid pressure increase, whereas leakage was easily recognized by a continuing pressure decrease. Any such data were excluded from our analyses. After a pressure measurement, the CPP or FPP was withdrawn and this was always accompanied by a decrease in pressure to that of the ambient air recorded just before capillary insertion. The occasional absence of a pressure decrease on withdrawal was also indicative of plugging.
The possibility of a radial gradient of
Quantifying by VPO.
Initial experiments were carried out to establish the time course of equilibration within the osmometer chamber of the water vapor pressure above the sample with the sample’s
Quantifying using the CP.
The CP as described by Bernstein and Lustig (1981) was used to quantify the
The time course of change in force, aplanation area, and
The effect of orientation of the sweet cherry fruit during the test on
Effects of water uptake or water loss on .
The effect of water uptake on
The effect of water loss and of water uptake on
Data analysis.
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). ANOVA, multiple comparisons of means, correlation, and regression analyses were carried out using Proc CORR, Proc GLM, and Proc REG (SAS Version 9.1.3; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Data in tables and in Figures 2C, 3, and 4D are presented as means ± se. In all other figures, symbols represent data from individual fruit.
Determining by CPP and VPO.
When the capillary of the CPP was inserted into the outer mesocarp of mature sweet cherry fruit, the pressure signal usually remained constant while some cell content was forced into the capillary by cell turgor (Fig. 1). Under the horizontal-axis microscope, a meniscus was visible between the red-colored cell contents and the silicone oil in the capillary. This meniscus is indicative of a successful insertion. Approximately 10 to 15 s after insertion, the meniscus was pushed back toward its initial position at the tip of the capillary by displacing a volume of silicone oil using the CPP’s micrometer screw. The push back was associated with an increase in the CPP system pressure and re-established the initial volume and pressure (
Turgor of cells
When placing excised tissue blocks in the sample chamber of a VPO, the apparent osmolality increased with time, reaching an equilibrium ≈6 min after closure of the sample chamber (Fig. 3). From this time onward, the readout remained constant and the osmolality displayed corresponded reliably to the
Water potential
Determining by FPP and CP.
Inserting the capillary of the FPP in the mesocarp of sweet cherry and other drupe and berry fruit yielded changes of pressure with time, similar to those with the CPP (Fig. 2A). Usually an equilibrium value of
Increasing the depth from 1.1 to 9.9 mm within the ‘Sam’ and ‘Samba’ sweet cherry mesocarps to which the FPP was inserted slightly increased the measured
There was no detectable radial gradient in measured
The compression plate test for determining
Effect of orientation of sweet cherry on the pressure inside the fruit (
Effect of water uptake and loss on .
Incubating sweet cherry fruit in deionized water increased their mass at a rate of 26.0 (± 1.3) mg·h−1 (r2 = 0.94, P = 0.001) for up to 7 h (Fig. 5A). There was no significant relationship between the amount of water uptake and
Similarly, the amount of water transpired increased linearly with time at an average rate of 15.2 (± 0.5) mg·h−1 (r2 = 0.94, P = 0.001; Fig. 6A) but, again, there was no significant relationship between the amount of water lost and
Our results establish several important new findings. First, the four different methods used for quantifying
Second, manipulating the fruit’s water status had essentially no effect on
Comparing and with published data.
Published data for
Possible reasons for low and .
Because the cuticle is an effective barrier to either liquid- (ingress) or vapor-phase (egress) water transport through the fruit surface, we expect the tissues inside the fruit and hence the fruit’s apo- and symplasts to be in reasonably close water potential equilibrium,
Lack of response of to water uptake and transpiration.
The absence of a significant effect of water uptake on
A reasonable explanation accounting for water uptake without an associated increase in
The absence of a significant
Comparing pressure probe, compression plate, and water vapor osmometry for quantifying and .
Despite of their quite different measurement principles, the pressure values obtained using these three techniques were remarkably similar. Nevertheless, some small but consistent differences were observed that deserve comment.
The CPP and the FPP are the most widely used direct measurement techniques. Although their principles of measurement are identical, some differences are worth noting. The fine capillary tip (30 to 60 μm diameter) of the CPP allows individual cells to be punctured. Thus, the CPP quantifies the pressure (relative to atmospheric pressure) of the symplast of a single cell usually defined as cell turgor (here,
Compared with the FPP, the CP uses quite different physical principles to measure
The VPO method differs from all the others in that it is indirect. It yields a calculated estimate for
Our results demonstrate that
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