Effects of Sequential Low-oxygen and Standard Controlled Atmosphere Storage Regimens on Apple Quality

P.D. Lidster Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Kentville, N.S. B4N 1J5, Canada

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E.C. Lougheed Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Kentville, N.S. B4N 1J5, Canada

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K.B. McRae Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Kentville, N.S. B4N 1J5, Canada

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P.D. Lidster Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Kentville, N.S. B4N 1J5, Canada

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E.C. Lougheed Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Kentville, N.S. B4N 1J5, Canada

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K.B. McRae Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Kentville, N.S. B4N 1J5, Canada

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Contributor Notes

Research Scientist.

Professor, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. N1G 2W1, Canada.

Regional Statistician (Atlantic), Agriculture Canada, Kentville, N.S.

Received for publication 8 Dec. 1986. Contribution no. 1887 Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Kentville, N.S. We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of H.J. Lightfoot and P.A. Harrison (PDL) and L.S. Wiley (ECL). In addition, the assistance of S.R. Miller, Agriculture Canada, Smithfield, Ont. is also acknowledged. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate this fact.

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