Reported Death

Matthew D. Kleinhenz Professor, The Ohio State University Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH

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Mark A. Bennett 1955–2015

ASHS Member, 1981–2015

Mark A. Bennett passed away on 7 June 2015. He was a Professor in the Department of Horticulture at The Ohio State University (OSU).

“Mark A. Bennett was intelligent, curious, kind, generous, and accomplished. To know Mark was to see him as a tireless researcher, educator, mentor, and colleague whose contributions will ripple in homes and businesses near and far for years. His twenty-nine year career at OSU was built on internationally recognized expertise in vegetable production and seed biology. This expertise was displayed in dozens of research articles, a significant array of educational resources and events, numerous Associate Editorships, and as a contributing member to interdisciplinary programs and international working groups.”

“Mark explained relationships among seed quality, stand establishment, and system productivity and helped steer improvements in all through independent and collaborative efforts. Mark bridged research, real-world application, and the transfer of understanding to rising professionals expertly. He also served as Interim Chair of the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, at the request of colleagues. Still, Mark’s ambitious research and education activities did not overshadow his genuine interest in the welfare of others or passion for the earth. Many are better off for having known, worked with, and learned from Mark.”

Matthew D. Kleinhenz Professor, The Ohio State University Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH

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