An active ASHS Member since 1980, John R. Clark is currently a University Professor and program leader of the University of Arkansas small and stone fruit breeding program. Born and raised in Mississippi, he received his BS degree in 1978, and MS in 1980, from Mississippi State University, and his PhD from the University of Arkansas in 1983. Professional appointments, all at the University of Arkansas, include Research Assistant, 1980–1983; Resident Director, University of Arkansas Fruit Substation, 1983–1994; Associate Professor, 1991–2000 (relocation to campus, 1994); Interim Department Head, 1999–2000; Professor 2000–2007; University Professor 2008-present.
Currently, Clark is program leader of the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture small and stone fruit breeding program, which focuses on cultivar development of blackberry, grape, muscadine grape, blueberry, and peach/nectarine. Cultivars released or co-released total 36, including 27 that are patented. Clark's publications (senior or co-author) include seven book chapters; 106 refereed articles; 275 proceedings, trade, experiment station or other non-refereed articles; and 135 abstracts. His teaching includes courses in plant breeding and fruit production along with graduate and undergraduate advising. International travel has involved invited presentations in a number of countries at the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and other meetings worldwide.
He has participated in many activities at ASHS prior to serving as President and Chair of the Board including: Vice President, Research Division, 2005–2007; National Issues Task Force, Chair, 2006–2008; Associate Editor, HortScience, 1997–2000; William A. “Tex” Frazier Lecture Selection Committee 1999–2003, Chair 2003; ASHS Fruit Breeding Working Group, Chair, 1998, FRBR Fruit Cultivar Award Committee, Chair 1999; Co-Editor, New Fruit and Nut Cultivar List, ASHS and American Pomological Society, 2005–present; Registrar for Grapes for the Fruit and Nut List, 1993–2005; Co-Registrar for Blackberries for the Fruit and Nut List, 1998–present; Fruit Publication Award Committee, 2002, 2004; Awards Committee, 2008–present; Collegiate Activities Committee, 1996–99; Small Fruit and Viticulture Working Group Chair, 1990; Organizer of the Symposium, “Intellectual Property Rights for Clonally Propagated Plants: Basics to Application,” held at the ASHS Annual Conference, New Orleans, 2006; SR-ASHS: President, 2003; President-Elect, 2002; Nominations Committee, Chair, 2005; Membership Committee, 1994–99, Chair, 1994; Executive Committee, 2001–07, Chair 2007; Leadership and Administration Award Committee, 2004–07, Chair, 2007; Poster Section Chair, 1995, 2001; Fruit Science Section Chair, 1992, 1999; Blueberry and Small Fruit Workers, Secretary, 2001–2007.
Clark became a Fellow of ASHS in 2005; received the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Spitze Land Grant University Faculty Award for Excellence, 2011; the Julian C. Miller Sr. Outstanding Researcher Award, Southern Region ASHS, 2007; University of Arkansas John W. White Division of Agriculture Outstanding Research Award, 2006; recognized by Arkansas General Assembly in House Concurrent Resolution 1027 for contributions to Arkansas of the University of Arkansas Fruit Breeding Program, 2005; Gamma Sigma Delta Research Award, Arkansas Chapter, 2004; Wilder Medal, American Pomological Society, 2003; John W. White University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Outstanding Team Award, Grape Research Team, 2002; Functional Food Team, 2007; Outstanding Researcher Award, Arkansas Association of Cooperative Extension Specialists, 1995; Service Award, Arkansas State Horticultural Society, 1991.