In the April 2010 issue of HortScience, the following abstract was omitted from the Abstracts of the ASHS Southern Region 70th Annual Meeting [HortScience 45(4):486–518].
Vegetable Crops Section—Cowpea
Southernpea Quick Hits: Recent Trial Observations, Grower and Gardener Insights, and Peas as a Cover Crop
W.B. Evans*, Truck Crops Branch Experiment Station, Mississippi State University, Crystal Springs, MS 39059
Information was presented on several items related to past and potential southernpea (Vigna unguiculata) projects and marketing opportunities. Using peas for cover crops in organic and conventional systems offers the industry an opportunity to expand the market for pea seeds and provide farmers with a high-quality cover crop. As a cover crop, southernpeas can provide significant biomass production, and over 75 lb N/acre to a production system. They can be mixed with other species and are suitable choices for most warm-season conditions. Growing southernpea cover crops on an additional 1/100th of 1% of the estimated organic acreage in the country would require 287,000 lb of seed if sown at 70 lb/acre. There would also be an international market for this seed. There are very few cultivars marketed for cover cropping. Breeding and screening of more cultivars for cover crop performance would help the industry serve this market niche. Among the negative things associated with southernpeas as cover crops are the crop's susceptibility to nematodes, the relative expense and size of seed, and poor cool-season performance. Similar opportunities exist for supplying certified organic seed to that portion of the industry, both for fresh and processed southernpeas. Yields from organic southernpea crops have been shown to be similar to those from conventional crops. Few organic seed crops are being raised and it is thought that demand for such seeds may be easily increased by efforts within the industry and those supporting it. Building and serving the wildlife food plot and home gardening markets were also discussed.