Supplementary Lighting and CO2 Mist Influence Rooting of Camellia japonica

Christopher J. French Agriculture Canada, Saanichton Research and Plant Quarantine Station, 8801 East Saanich Road, Sidney, B. C. V8L 1H3, Canada

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James Alsbury Agriculture Canada, Saanichton Research and Plant Quarantine Station, 8801 East Saanich Road, Sidney, B. C. V8L 1H3, Canada

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Christopher J. French Agriculture Canada, Saanichton Research and Plant Quarantine Station, 8801 East Saanich Road, Sidney, B. C. V8L 1H3, Canada

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James Alsbury Agriculture Canada, Saanichton Research and Plant Quarantine Station, 8801 East Saanich Road, Sidney, B. C. V8L 1H3, Canada

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Contributor Notes

Present address: Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1X2, Canada.

Received for publication 12 May 1988. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate this fact.

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