A Dominant Gene for Thornlessness Obtained from the Chimeral Thornless Loganberry

Pasquale Rosati Centro Studi Tecnica Frutticola, 6 via F. Re, 40126 Bologna, Italy

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Harvey K. Hall Crop Research Division, DSIR, Riwaka Research Station, RD3 Moteuka, New Zealand

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Derek L. Jennings Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA Great Britain

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Daria Gaggioli Istituto Coltivazioni Arboree-CMVF, 6 via F. Re, 40126 Bologna, Italy

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Pasquale Rosati Centro Studi Tecnica Frutticola, 6 via F. Re, 40126 Bologna, Italy

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Harvey K. Hall Crop Research Division, DSIR, Riwaka Research Station, RD3 Moteuka, New Zealand

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Derek L. Jennings Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA Great Britain

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Daria Gaggioli Istituto Coltivazioni Arboree-CMVF, 6 via F. Re, 40126 Bologna, Italy

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Contributor Notes

Received for publication 12 Oct. 1987. The Italian work was supported by CNR, special grant IPRA, sub-project 1, paper no. 1739 and by a grant of ERSO (Cesena) to Daria Gaggioli. Paper no. 270 of Centro Studi Tecnica Frutticola and paper no. 142 of Istituto Coltivazioni Arboree CMVF. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate this fact.

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