Frozen Storage of Watermelon Tissue1

Mary E. Woolsey Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

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Gwendolyn L. Tinklin Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

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Charles V. Hall Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

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Mary E. Woolsey Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

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Gwendolyn L. Tinklin Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

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Charles V. Hall Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

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Contributor Notes

Contribution Nos. 197 and 378, Departments of Foods and Nutrition and Horticulture, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan. From a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the MS degree, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University, Manhattan.

Former Graduate Research Assistant in Department of Foods and Nutrition. Present address: Tillie Lewis Foods, Inc.; Stockton, California.

Appreciation is expressed to James K. Greig for cooperation and use of some equipment.

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