Drip Irrigation Based on Soil Matric Potential Conserves Water in Peach and Grape

Isaac Klein Department of Olive and Viticulture, The Volcani Center, P.O.B. 6, Bet-Dagan 50250, Israel

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Isaac Klein Department of Olive and Viticulture, The Volcani Center, P.O.B. 6, Bet-Dagan 50250, Israel

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Contributor Notes

Received for publication January 28, 1983. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, P.O.B. 6, Bet-Dagan, Israel. 1 thank Moshe Zuri from Nir Banim who collected the data and disclosed it for analysis and publication. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate this fact.

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