This review was conducted to synthesize current knowledge, learn producer and Extension specialist perspectives, and identify gaps in understanding of the role of soil health in sustaining production in high tunnel (HT) systems. This synthesis includes findings from scholarly resources related to soil health in HTs, including research and Extension-based literature, perspectives from experienced HT producers and technical assistance providers, and the direct observations of a broad network of university research and Extension personnel working with HTs. Findings are intended to identify knowledge gaps and additional research and Extension resource needs of greatest priority to the HT producer community and technical assistance providers that support them at the time of publication. A review of 68 research articles and 58 Extension resources was conducted. Focus group interviews were conducted with small groups of experienced HT farmers in four regions of the eastern half of the United States, with in-depth farm case studies conducted in individual farmers in three of these regions. Growers across regions identified soil fertility management, soilborne diseases, soil compaction, and lack of consistency of soil analyses specific to HTs as the greatest soil-related challenges to HT production. Research and resources for technical assistance providers on mitigation strategies to remediate yield-limiting HT soil conditions, such as excessive soil salinity and high pathogen populations, were also lacking. As such, process-based research on techniques such as leaching, soil steaming, solarization, and anaerobic soil disinfestation in tunnels that consider short- and long-term costs, benefits, and effects on soil and plant productivity should be prioritized in the future when considering the impact of HT production on soil health. Interviews also indicated a need for networking opportunities for technical assistance providers across agencies (e.g., Natural Resources Conservation Service, Extension, nongovernmental organizations). Despite a high and increasing rate of adoption, there is currently a lack of information about maintaining HT systems. Given that HTs play a critical and growing economic role for specialty crop growers throughout the eastern United States, comprehensive intervention across the research–Extension spectrum to sustain productivity in HT systems is recommended.
Cover crops have a long and significant history in Florida’s citrus industry. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, they were widely used to enhance soil quality, boost fertility, and manage pests; therefore, they served as a critical agricultural tool before the widespread adoption of synthetic fertilizers. However, during the middle of the 20th century, a decline in the use of cover crops occurred as synthetic fertilizers and chemical pest control methods became more prevalent. Despite this decline, a resurgence of interest in cover crops has occurred among Florida’s citrus growers. This renewed interest is driven by the urgent need to increase soil fertility while reducing inputs, particularly in the context of managing citrus groves affected by citrus greening [huanglongbing (HLB)], which is a devastating disease that threatens the viability of the citrus industry. Citrus greening has created a growing interest in the use of management practices that can help mitigate the increasing cost of inputs needed to manage the disease. This literature review delves into the historical use of cover crops in Florida’s citrus industry and highlights their early adoption and subsequent decline. Additionally, it examines current cover crop management practices and focuses on key components such as seed selection, planting techniques, and termination methods. Finally, this review discusses the challenges and limitations associated with integrating cover crops into modern citrus production systems.
Local variety trial data are necessary for informing growers how a specific variety might perform on their farm but there is a growing deficiency in these data, particularly for specialty crops. To address this issue, an online decision-support tool named the Vegetable Variety Navigator (VVN) was developed in 2020 to compile, analyze, and visually communicate publicly available broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) variety trial data. To validate the accuracy and predictive potential of the VVN, we conducted 16 on-farm variety trials for broccoli, cucumber, and sweet pepper between 2020 and 2022. Yield of each variety in a trial was compared with the mean of all other varieties in the same trial to calculate a mean relative yield (MRY). The difference between observed relative yield in the field and predicted relative yield from the VVN (ΔMRY) was used to assess the accuracy of three different VVN prediction strategies. Strategies included using data from the following: 1) the single geographically nearest trial, 2) the mean of the three geographically nearest trials, or 3) the mean of all available trial data regardless of location. Compared with random predictions of MRY for each variety (from within a normal distribution of MRY values in the VVN database), the VVN predictions reduced ΔMRY and improved the accuracy of relative yield predictions across varieties by up to 21% in broccoli, 51% in cucumber (depending on strategy), and 51% in sweet pepper. Results confirm the value of the VVN as a decision-support tool for growers facing an ever-increasing number of crop variety options with less variety trial data. Future research and development are needed to improve the accuracy of the VVN by accounting for possible effects of crop types, management, and location on relative yield and quality.
Phytophthora capsici (PCap), which causes Phytophthora root rot, is the most destructive soilborne pathogen for bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) production in Georgia, USA. Extensive host range, persistence of inoculum in the soil, and lack of effective chemical control methods make this disease particularly difficult to manage. Resistant cultivars offer a practical solution to manage PCap in affected bell pepper fields. However, most commercial cultivars resistant to PCap are predominantly grown in the northeastern United States. This research aimed to screen commercial bell pepper cultivars for resistance to PCap, marketable yield, fruit size distribution, and overall adaptability for production within the largest growing areas in southern Georgia. Field trials were conducted during Spring 2022 and 2023 in commercial growers’ fields with a known history of PCap infestation to evaluate PCap-resistant bell pepper cultivars across four trials conducted in the three counties (Colquitt, Echols, and Lowndes) responsible for ∼78% of bell pepper production in Georgia. Eleven cultivars were evaluated: nine that claimed PCap resistance and two widely grown PCap susceptible cultivars included for comparison. Phytophthora root rot incidence was very low in these research trials. However, there were significant differences in total yields, marketable yields, fruit size, and unmarketable yields. On the basis of marketable yields for jumbo, extra large, and large-sized fruit, we recommend the PCap-resistant cultivars PS 0994-1819, Paladin, and Mercer for fresh market bell pepper growers. Furthermore, ‘Revolution’ is recommended for processor growers due to higher jumbo-sized fruit yields and lower quality and higher pancaking for the spring season in southern Georgia, USA. Newer cultivars Tarpon and Nitro have a more desirable disease-resistance package; however, ‘Nitro’ had small-sized fruit, and ‘Tarpon’ tended to have lower total yields than current commercial standards.
Online sales of plants are relatively new compared with other products. An online survey was used to measure online and in-store plant/flower spending from 1290 participants. Participants were satisfied with their online plant/flower purchases and spent $31.86 more on plants/flowers through online retailers than in stores. Participants’ social media use increased their in-store plant/flower spending but not online spending. Using Amazon, Google, and farm-direct online retailers increased both in-store and online plant/flower spending. Demographic characteristics did not influence online or in-store spending, except income which had a positive effect.
‘Coy’ alder-leaf mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus) is a new cultivar developed from a species native to the western United States with potential for use in xeriscaping, rock gardens, and water-efficient landscaping. However, efficient propagation methods are not well developed for it. In this study, cutting propagation of ‘Coy’ alder-leaf mountain mahogany was investigated over 3 years to evaluate the effects of wounding method, rooting hormone, type of cuttings collected, and time for cutting collection on rooting. In May, Jul, and Sep 2020, 2021, and 2022, nondormant hardwood subterminal cuttings and/or semihardwood terminal cuttings were collected for wounding studies. Before the treatment with 3000 mg·L−1 indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) in powder, cuttings were wounded either by scraping one side (scrape) or by perpendicular cuts around the base (cut), and cuttings without additional wounding were used as the control. Similarly, subterminal and terminal cuttings of ‘Coy’ alder-leaf mountain mahogany were collected during the same time and were used for hormone treatments. Cuttings were treated with 1000 or 3000 mg·L−1 IBA in powder or 1000/500 or 3000/1500 mg·L−1 IBA/NAA (1-naphthaleneacetic acid) in solution. Wounding by cut or scrape increased the rooting percentage. In addition, most cuttings wounded by the scrape method had better rooting than those wounded with cuts. On the basis of hierarchical cluster analyses, cuttings treated with 3000 mg·L−1 IBA in powder had greater rooting than those treated with other hormones. Therefore, our research showed that successful rooting of subterminal or terminal stem cuttings of ‘Coy’ alder-leaf mountain mahogany can be achieved through wounding using scrape method and by treatment with 3000 mg·L−1 IBA in powder.
The University of Connecticut Extension Sustainable Landscapes program seeks to develop an invasive plant training program to equip stakeholder groups of varied experiential backgrounds with the information needed to evaluate, manage, and mitigate populations of invasive species in Connecticut. A mixed methods needs assessment was conducted to explore diverse viewpoints about invasive plant education. Data were collected from 233 survey respondents and three focus group interviews. Landscape professional/contractors and municipal employees totaled 41.1% of respondents when combined, and home gardeners totaled 27.9%. The greatest programmatic need identified by survey respondents was invasive plant management options and strategies, with Japanese knotweed considered the most problematic invasive plant from a list of 16 species. Focus group participants expressed enthusiasm about targeted educational programming, such as efforts focused on land management principles, species identification, state regulatory agencies, and pesticide application. Many shared the need for enhanced public education efforts and resource availability. A hybrid approach, including virtual and in-person components, was recommended as the ideal delivery modality for an invasive plant training program.
Drought and salinity affect turfgrass growth and development adversely. Plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPMs) have been shown to have the capability of improving resistance to biotic stressors in plants. The objective of this research was to determine the efficacy of six commercial PGPMs on enhancing the drought and salinity resistance of kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). The six PGPMs evaluated were Beauveria bassiana (strain GHA), Bacillus subtilis (strain GB03), Azadirachtin, Bacillus firmus (strain 1-582), Trichoderma harzianum Rifai (strain T-22) combined with Trichoderma virens (strain G-41), and Bacillus subtilis (strain QST713). Three cultivars—Kenblue, Moonlight, and Waterworks—were seeded in the greenhouse. Two-week seedlings were exposed to saline (sodium chloride at 6 dS⋅m–1 three times per week) or drought (tap water once per week) conditions, and no stress (irrigated with tap water three times per week) for 4 weeks. Results show that drought and salinity inhibited turf growth, with the greatest reduction in root dry weight (50.3% in drought conditions and 31.4% in saline conditions). ‘Kenblue’ performed better than ‘Waterworks’ and ‘Moonlight’ in all growth indices except for root length. Beauveria bassiana and B. subtilis had a similar or better result in enhancing turfgrass growth and development compared with the untreated turf under stress. Our results suggest that certain PGPMs have the potential to improve abiotic stress resistance in turfgrass.
Thirty sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas var. batatas) genotypes were evaluated for yield, resistances to weevil or nematode pests, and consumer acceptance across three field trials planted at Pepe‘ekeo, Hawai‘i Island between 2017 to 2020. At harvest, storage roots were graded according to market standards, followed by scoring for damage by sweetpotato weevil (Cylas formicarius elegantulus), rough sweetpotato weevil (Blosyrus asellus), or nematodes; namely root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) or reniform nematode (Rotylenchus reniformis) in each market class. There were significant differences in marketable yields among accessions when data were analyzed statistically across all three field trials, as well as individually. ‘Regal’ (PI 566650) and ‘Sumor’ (PI 566657) were among the top three highest-yielding genotypes for Trials 1 and 2 (when no insecticides were applied to control weevils), and among the top six highest-yielding genotypes for the joint analysis across three trials. Significant differences among genotypes for combined sweetpotato weevil damage (incidence of sweetpotato weevil alone or incidence of both weevils together) were found in the joint analysis across three trials. ‘Regal’ was among the lowest seven genotypes for combined sweetpotato weevil damage, supporting earlier reports of its moderate resistance to this pest. In addition, two genotypes produced by the World Vegetable Center (Shanhua, Taiwan) (WT-320 and WT-108), were among the lowest genotypes for combined sweetpotato weevil damage, in agreement with earlier reports of their substantial resistance to this pest. Providing access to diverse germplasm will help farmers react to increasing pest pressure, while still allowing for high marketable yields. In addition, breeding and selection for pest resistance could be an important addition to integrated pest management of sweetpotato in Hawai‘i.